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Commodore Werner was a most gallant gentleman, and as we did not dance, he had the leisure to tell me all about his family, his literary tastes, and his admiration for pretty ladies; and he finished by asking if we would do him the honor to lunch on his ship the next day. The young lieutenant left us quite subdued; but the heat did not prevent his dancing with many ladies, if not with me.

Glittering at his side were raised the lances of Marquard of Bregenz, Hartman of Dillingen, Burchard of Nellemburg, Cuno and Lutold of Achalm, Werner of Hapsburg, Adalbert of Calm, Albert of Hers, and Sandrit of Stramen.

She's our bright, particular star, you know, and the public would resent it if she didn't appear as the heroine of all our best pictures." "An actress!" exclaimed Arthur. "I I didn't know that." "She and her sister Flo are engaged by us regularly," replied Werner, with an air of pride. "They cost us a lot of money, as you may imagine, but we can't afford to let any competitor have them."

She shifted her weight ponderously as she wiped first one earth-crusted shoe and then the other. "What's the matter, Ernie? You ain't sick, are you?" "Naw." "What you home so early for?" "Because I feel like it, that's why." He took the back steps at a bound and slammed the kitchen door behind him. Ma Werner followed heavily after. Buzz was hanging his hat up behind the kitchen door.

Since then great progress has been made, and electricity is now recognised, not only as a rival of steam, but as the best means of distributing steam, wind, water, or any other power to a distance, and bringing it to bear on the proper point. The first electric railway, or, rather, tramway, was built by Dr. Werner von Siemens at Berlin in 1879, and was soon followed by many others.

This was a keen disappointment but through the efforts of Miss Mary Bulkley and Percy Werner of St. Louis, Flint Garrison, president of the Garrison-Wagner Printing Company, a prominent Democrat and an ardent suffragist, became interested and agreed to publish the magazine.

This ain’t business. I was a damn fool and I’m doin’ time like any souse what the bulls pinch. Only I get more than thirty days, I do. That’s what’s killin’ me, Doc! Duck Werner in a tin lid, suckin’ soup an’ shootin’ Fritzies when I oughter be in Noo York with me fren’s lookin’ after business. Can you beat it?" he ended fiercely.

So while Jack plays the part it is really an accomplice of the 'Black Terror' who kills old Remsen." Kennedy turned to me. "A new idea in the application of science to crime!" he remarked, dryly. "Just suppose it were practicable!" "The 'Black Terror'" Werner continued, "is played by Merle Shirley. You've heard of him, the greatest villain ever known to the films?

Almost at the moment I rejoined the two a boy came to summon Werner to one of the sets out on the stage itself. Kennedy and I were alone. I showed him the towel. At first he laughed, "You'll never make a detective, Walter," he remarked. "This is only simple coloring matter-Chinese yellow, to be exact.

The first thing a man does when he has accepted the leadership of a revolution is to come and plot with his companions. "Well?" said everybody eagerly, as the three arrived. Werner Stauffacher shook his head. "Ah," said Arnold of Sewa, "I see what it is. He has refused. You didn't exercise tact, and he refused." "We did exercise tact," said Stauffacher indignantly; "but he would not be persuaded.