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She feels indeed that she has become very British as if that, as a process, as a 'Werden, as anything but an original sign of grace, were conceivable; but it's precisely what makes her cling to the notion of the 'Fund' cling to it as to a link with the ideal." "How can she cling if she's dying?" "Do you mean how can she act in the matter?" Gravener asked. "That's precisely the question.

The life of the Absolute is never consummated or complete. God does not properly exist, but comes into being: 'Gott ist in werden. Deus est in fieri.

"The start was to be made at 3 o'clock on the morning of April 10th, 1875, from Dover, that hour being set on account of the tide favoring. In order to be up in time, the newspaper correspondents and friends who were to accompany the intrepid voyager on the tug, did not go to bed at all, the hours intervening being spent in the parlors of the Lord Werden hotel.

The sunlight poured over her and her companions from the great windows behind Fraulein Pfaff.... When breakfast was over and the girls were clearing the table, Fraulein went to one of the great windows and stood for a moment with her hands on the hasp of the innermost of the double frames. "Balde, balde," Miriam heard her murmur, "werden wir offnen konnen." Soon, soon we may open.

They rode close by continuing to converse, and Prince Andrew involuntarily heard these words: "Der Krieg muss in Raum verlegt werden. Der Ansicht kann ich nicht genug Preis geben," * said one of them. * "The war must be extended widely. I cannot sufficiently commend that view."