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The big white clouds lay like stepping-stones in the sky's blue river, just as when she was a child. Their silver-gleaming brightness blinded her ... "Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh ... warte nur ... balde ... ruhest ... du ..." she began to murmur, and stopped, awed by the immensity of the hush about her.

It has been written with the best intentions, and will probably be read far and wide. Under the pseudonym of W. Neumann, Bussenius has edited a biographical collection, "Die Componisten der neueren Zeit," for E. Balde of Cassel, and the success has been such that a second edition of some of the volumes will soon be published. I have asked Bussenius to send you the little book.

Men whiche fro their birthe are balde; bothe the males and the females. Their noses tourne vp like a shoinge horne, and their chinnes be great out of measure. The sounde of their voice vnlike to all other: ther apparell aftre the sorte of the Scithians. Thei haue small regarde to brieding: by the reason wherof thei haue smalle store of cattaile.

THE tramp in Thuringen lasted four-and-twenty hours. By the end of the first walk, his three companions John Bancroft, James J. Higginson, and B. W. Crowninshield, all Boston and Harvard College like himself were satisfied with what they had seen, and when they sat down to rest on the spot where Goethe had written "Warte nur! balde Rubest du auch!"

Has not every man and woman who has suffered sat thus by the window, looking out, seeing nothing, but still gazing blindly out hour after hour? Perhaps the quiet mother earth watches us, and whispers to our deaf ears: Warte nur, balde Ruhest du auch.

The sunlight poured over her and her companions from the great windows behind Fraulein Pfaff.... When breakfast was over and the girls were clearing the table, Fraulein went to one of the great windows and stood for a moment with her hands on the hasp of the innermost of the double frames. "Balde, balde," Miriam heard her murmur, "werden wir offnen konnen." Soon, soon we may open.

'Die vogelein schweigen im Walde, he said. The answer came from a clear, authoritative voice. 'Warte nur, balde ruhest du auch. Clearly some kind of password, for sane men don't talk about little birds in that kind of situation. It sounded to me like indifferent poetry. Then followed a conversation in low tones, of which I only caught odd phrases.

DON EDUARDO. ¿Pero no conoces que te estoy embromando? ¿De otro modo pudiera yo contradecirte en materias tan evidentes? DOÑA MATILDE. Eso era lo que me confundía ... pero ahora que me acuerdo ... ¿por qué me hiciste responder a la vecina que no necesitábamos de su lavandera? DON EDUARDO. Porque como no nos había de lavar de balde....

'Die Vogelein schwei igem im Walde, I said. His face broke into a pleasant smile, and he replied: 'Warte nur, balde rubest du auch. 'Ach, he said in German, holding out his hand, 'you have come this way, when we thought you would go by Modane. I welcome you, for I know your exploits. You are Conradi, who did so nobly in Italy? I bowed. 'Yes, I am Conradi, I said. The Col of the Swallows

Warte nur, balde Ruhest Du auch. The doctor was very late. Rachel, who was going to the Watch Service, waited for the Bishop in the hall till he came out of his study with the curate, who had doubts. When the young man had left, Rachel said, hesitating: "I shall not go to the service if Dr. Brown does not arrive before then. Hugh was to have come with us.