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And the assistant directly forewarned us, just like that: 'If you stiffs, and so on and so on, will let out even one little rude word, or something, then I won't leave one stone upon another of your establishment, while I'll flog all the wenches soundly in the station-house and make 'em rot in jail! Well, at last this galoot came.

Swain?" says she; "how can you, when 'tis you and mother, and Richard here, who make me go into the world? You know I would a thousand times rather bake your cakes and clean your silver! But you will not hear of it." "Fie!" says the barrister. "Listen to her, Richard! And yet she will fly up the stairs to don a fine gown at the first rap of the knocker. Oh, the wenches, the wenches!

How they curse their ill-luck, and all to make the hearers believe that they have known better days, and have fallen from some high estate. Berg. Just so. Now you must know that this alguazil was on intimate terms with an attorney; and the two were connected with a pair of wenches not a bit better than they ought to be, but quite the reverse.

I was interested there being a drunken negro ascending the meeting-house steps, and near him three or four well-dressed and decent negro wenches to see the look of scorn and shame and sorrow and painful sympathy which one of them assumed at this disgrace of her color.

Three or four wenches, where I stood, cried, 'Alas, good soul! and forgave him with all their hearts: But there's no heed to be taken of them; if Caesar had stabbed their mothers, they would have done no less. Brutus. And after that, he came thus sad away? Casca. Ay. Cassius. Did Cicero say anything? Casca. Ay, he spoke Greek. Cassius. To what effect? Casca.

When I was alone sometimes, and no longer sitting in the crowd of merry boon-companions and complaisant wenches, emptying the wine cup and crowned with poplar, I often felt as if I were walking on the brink of a dark abyss as if every thing in myself and around me were utterly hollow and empty.

Charley is sure to be a begetter of wenches." "And writes birthday odes 'To My Infant Daughter' for the 'Home Journal," continued Clay. "No, no," said the victim of this banter, shaking his head solemnly. "I shall give no hostages to Fortune. I mean to live snug and carry as little sail as possible: to leave only the narrowest margin out for Fate to tread on.

Moreover, nothing was easier than to hear everything they said, as they talked loudly, not in the least concerned that the passers-by were taken into their confidence. They talked of duels, wenches, wine pots, and folly. At the turning of a street, the sound of a tambourine reached them from a neighboring square. Dom Claude heard the officer say to the scholar, "Thunder! Let us hasten our steps!"

Three years ago I transferred two wenches to Protopopov for a hundred roubles apiece, and he thanked me kindly, for they turned out splendid workers able to make napkins or anything else. "Yes, but with the living we have nothing to do, damn it! I am asking you only about DEAD folk." "Yes, yes, of course.

The said king chose at Paris a hundred fair, gallant, lusty, brisk young men, all resolute and bold adventurers in Cupid's duels, together with a hundred comely, pretty, handsome, lovely and well-complexioned wenches of Picardy, all which he caused to be well entertained and highly fed for the space of eight days.