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In times so ancient as to be scarcely within the memory of a juvenile dowager, it was held by the high dry exponents of aristocratic privilege that to touch trade, even when it proffered a bag of money in a well-gloved hand, was to be defiled beyond the restoring power of a Belgravian Duchess.

"Bopper he mout ketch her a new one mebbe to-morrow, mom.... Hiesh, Rebecca!" Moved by some impulse in her own buoyant mood, Carlisle touched the littlest girl on the shoulder with a well-gloved finger. "Here Rebecca, poor child!... You can buy yourself something better than Junebugs." The proprietor of the deceased bug, having raised her damp dark face, ceased crying instantly.

For some time she drove on in silence, lightly flicking her ponies' heads from time to time with her whip, her face set steadily towards the road before her, her strong, well-gloved hands showing determination in the very way she held the whip and reins. Percival grew savage, and then defiant. "You ask too much," he said, pulling his long moustache, and uttering a bitter laugh.

Leaning back with easy grace in their arm chairs, which were drawn up close together, they were laughing unrestrainedly. Already women and coquettes, they would from time to time stretch out their well-gloved hands and pat their ample draperies with a thousand graceful little gestures.

Perhaps with a hand which is either white or untidy, well-gloved or otherwise, he twirls his moustache, or his whiskers, or picks his teeth with a little tortoise-shell toothpick. Or by slow and repeated movements he tries to place his chin exactly over the centre of his necktie. Or perhaps he crosses one foot over the other, putting his hands in his pockets.

Yet he took in this young woman's dress, from the smart hat, with a white bird's wing on the side, and the close-fitting tailor made jacket, to the small, well-gloved hand in dogskin, the grey tweed skirt, and one shoe, with a tip on it, that peeped out below her frock.

Surely he hasn't escaped!" and Mrs. Dingle held up her well-gloved hands. "No, he isn't in prison yet," Lois calmly replied. "But there is an innocent man there, though, I am sorry to say." "Do you mean that uncouth fellow Sammie was telling me about?" "I am not referring to any uncouth fellow, Mrs. Dingle, but merely to Mr. Jasper Randall, a gentleman and a friend of mine."

The girl gave him a small and well-gloved hand. She smiled, but said nothing, and her sponsor talked on rapidly. "I was in the midst of a heated suffrage discussion when you began," she declared. "But of course it was forgotten at once." "I'm sorry," laughed Paul Burton, "if I broke up a good argument."

"Pretty stiff crowd!" he remarked laconically. "I'm afraid you'll find it a bit of a crush this time. I suppose you'll not let that stop you, though?" He noticed then that Mrs. Saumarez was looking anxious, perhaps a little distressed, and certainly not too well pleased. She gave him a glance which began at himself and ended at a folded paper which she carried in her well-gloved hand.

At this moment, one more politely inclined than the rest, stepped forward, and commenced giving me the ins and outs of the way to see the Brigadier, who, lie said, was surrounded by many fairweather courtiers. Stepping politely to the door, he, with grace not unbecoming, raised a well-gloved hand, and half whispered: Mr. 'There is no missing the way, Mr.