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It is only for a your good, my dear Maud, and I had no objection you should stay. 'You! Madame! I said loftily. I was very angry, and showed it through my dignity, to Madame's evident satisfaction. 'No it was your papa, Mr. Ruthyn, who weesh to speak alone; for me I do not care; there was something I weesh to tell him. I don't care who know, but Mr. Ruthyn he is deeferent. I made no remark.

"I can only weesh," he said, "I ked as convenient rekiver my rifle; an', darn me, but I would try, ef it war only thar still. It ain't, I know. Thet air piece is too precious for a Injun to pass by. It's gone back to the waggons."

I weesh you would be so kind as to eenform the company in what part of the Sacred Writ this little anecdote is recorded, Captain, as I for one should very much leike to look it up." Captain Sartell took a determined step forward. "Look y' here, Bachelder," said he; "I don't want no hard words betwixt you and me, for there never has been.

"And that wouldn't be any great loss to the world, I judge," said the man from Kansas. But now Juanita interfered. "Oh, please do not throw heem from the train, señor!" she implored. "Even eef I do despise heem, I should not weesh to see heem keeled." Badger chuckled.

No, Capting, the savagers hain't been out hyar, an' ain't a-goin' to be. An' I weesh, now," he continues, glancing up to the sky, "I weesh 't wud brighten a bit. Wi' thet fog hidin' the hills over yonder, 'tain't possybul to gie a guess az to whar we air. Ef it ud lift, I mout be able to make out some o' the landmarks. Let's hope we may hev a cl'ar sky the morrer, an' a glimp' o' the sun to boot."