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And here I was without my luggage, without even a hat, and with no idea where I could find refuge. The only idea I had was that of walking fifteen miles to Hurley Junction on the chance of getting a train back to town. It was an uncommonly queer situation for a perfectly innocent man, week-ending at a country house.

Like his learning, which may astonish the simple, but which hardly illuminates the student, his virtues leave one cold. Someone who knows him well said to me once, "He is no Sir Galahad. Week-ending and London society have deteriorated his fibre." He began life well, but he has slackness in his blood and no vital enthusiasm in his heart. His career has been a descent.

The tenants of the bars were grumbling, but happily he was getting money from them. The following day was Saturday. It rained a succession of thunderstorms. The morning and the evening performances produced together sixty-eight pounds. "Well," said Mr. Marrier, "in this kind of weathah you can't expect people to come out, can you? Besides, this cursed week-ending habit "

"What does Chloris do while you are week-ending in Heaven. Do you take her with you?" "There is already a dog there, called Trelawney." "By Jove, that would make a nice little clue for Anonyma. There can be only one dog on the sea-coast called Trelawney. We could stop and ask every dog we met what its name was. Besides, the name suggests Cornwall. What breed is the dog?

You were coming through a stiffer fight than any of us have been called to face. Thank God, you have won." "I owe a lot to you, Brand, and still more to Miss Gray. I wish she were here to see you. She is away for the week-end." "Away! J just now?" exclaimed the doctor, almost surprised into another slip. "Yes; she went last night. She is week-ending in the neighbourhood.

There was a pathetic helplessness about her large capable figure, sitting alone, in this bright little sitting-room, doing nothing. "Jeanette!" said the doctor, for the third time. "And you call this week-ending?" "Dear," said Jane, "I have gone into Sightless Land for my week-end. Oh, Deryck, I had to do it.

The note was written on a rather untidy half-sheet, without date or address, but her hand was firm and free. He was amused at the idea of her week-ending in the stately solitude of Skuytercliff, but immediately afterward felt that there, of all places, she would most feel the chill of minds rigorously averted from the "unpleasant." He was at Mr.

"What do you mean isn't there!" asked Neale, mounting the steps. "Not in the house?" "Mean just what I say," replied Shirley. "Mrs. Carswell says she hasn't seen him since Saturday. She thinks he's been week-ending. I've been looking out for him coming along from the station. But if he came in by the 8.30, he's a long time getting up here.

And a week later Maryon Rooke came down to take possession of his new domain. "I can take six clear weeks now," he told Nan. "That's better than my first plan of week-ending down here. I have been working hard since you blew into my studio one good day, and now for six weeks I toil not, neither do I spin. Unless." he added suddenly, "I paint a portrait of you while I'm here!"

I think week-ending is apt to go to one's head, anyway. But let it go. Let it go to your head, too." "I don't think I'd better," and Patty spoke hesitatingly; "I might say something foolish." "Oh, do, Patty! DO say something foolish! If you don't, I shall." "Well, go on, then." "May I, Patty? May I tell you that I've simply lost my heart to you, you beautiful little May Queen!"