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For some minutes Webster quickened his pace in an attempt to follow the leaders, but soon gave it up and fell back to help Cameron up with his drill, remarking, "I ain't no blamed fool. I ain't going to bust myself for any man. THEY'RE racing, not me." "Will Tim win?" enquired Cameron. "Naw! Not this year! Why, Perkins is the best man in the whole country at turnips.

Later payments brought her royalty return up to nearly $450.000. For once, at least, Mark Twain's business vision had been clear. A fortune had been realized for the Grant family. Even his own share was considerable, for out of that great sale more than a hundred thousand dollars' profit was realized by Webster & Co. That summer at Quarry Farm was one of the happiest they had ever known.

He was leaning from the carriage and gazing steadily up the slope ahead. And his gaze, strange to say, was not directed at the imposing Atkins estate, but at its opposite neighbor, the old "Cy Whittaker place." Slowly, laboriously, Dan'l Webster mounted the hill. At the crest he would have paused to take breath, but the driver would not let him. "Git along, you!" he commanded, flapping the reins.

The sacrifices that the mother and the father of Daniel Webster made, in order that he might go to school, were very great. Every one in the family had to do without things, that this one might thrive. The boy accepted it all, quite as a matter of course, for from babyhood he had been protected and petted.

He gave at length a statement of the whole transaction. After considering the subject fully and carefully, acting under the advice of the Council, Governor Briggs decided against the application, and appointed Friday, the 30th day of August, for the execution of the sentence of the Court. Upon that day, therefore, Prof. Webster will undoubtedly be hung.

"And what will Shelby and Dillon and the rest of them do to us to mother?" "You must make it your business to see Aleck Webster as soon as you get home," replied Jack. "Tell him that Beardsley has returned, that he caught us out here, and that the time has come for him and his friends to show their hands.

"Two regiments," said Webster, more to himself than to the others. And then, turning to Harryman, he asked briskly: "When are the transports expected to arrive?" "The steamers with two regiments on board left 'Frisco on April 10th, therefore he counted the days on his fingers they should be here by now." "No, they were to go straight to Mindanao," said Parrington. "Straight to Mindanao?"

Then, as if emboldened by Jane's attitude, she added timidly: "We're real glad to see you, Miss Webster; don't think we ain't." "Yes," Eliza echoed, "we really are." The first shock of the adventure having passed, it was amazing to see with what rapidity the Howe sisters increased the warmth of their welcome.

While no other orator of that period was so richly endowed as Daniel Webster, the struggle for Union and Liberty enlisted on both sides many eloquent men. John C. Calhoun's acute, ingenious, masterly political theorizing can still be studied in speeches that have lost little of their effectiveness through the lapse of time.

"Please do not waste time, Captain Boyns, by entering upon details," said Mr Webster, interrupting him with a bland smile: "I am really quite ignorant of the technicalities of shipbuilding. If you will state the matter to Mr Cooper, whom I employ expressly for " "But, sir," interrupted Harry, with some warmth, "I have spoken to Mr Cooper, and he says the repairs are quite sufficient."