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"We're likely to do almost anything that happens to enter our minds as well as some things that don't enter our minds. Stow that package under the seat forward; yes, that way. There. Do you think of anything else, Miss Elting!" "Nothing except the automobile. I hardly think we shall be able to take that with us." "Indeed, no," answered Jane with a broad grin. "We'll let Dad do that.

"That's the girl he told me about," said Gabriella. "Was he ever interested in her?" "Not for a minute. We're awfully contrary about our love affairs. We will marry for love even mother did though she may have forgotten it.

"I fear naething, sir," replied McPherson, gravely. "I mean, what danger threatens us?" "None that I ken o'; but we're makin' the land, an' it behooves us to ca' canny." It may be well to remark here that the skipper, having voyaged much on all parts of the Scottish coast, had adopted and mixed up with his own peculiar English several phrases and words in use among the lowland Scots.

"Let 'em," said Barkins, as the party settled themselves. "Now then, we're all here. All in to begin. We ought to have a programme. Here, Ching, what's the first thing they do?" "Ching no quite sure; p'laps lichi." "Lichi?" I said. "You don't know? You see velly gland velly ploper for bad, bad man."

So I say let us not at present concern ourselves with the actual murder of our poor friend: the police will ferret that out! What we're concerned with is the will! That will, Tertius, must be proved, and at once." "I am as little conversant with legal matters as with police procedure," observed Mr. Tertius. "What is the exact course, now, in a case of this sort?"

Just then Martha's voice was heard calling them in to breakfast. "Be quiet, Martha," Rosy called back. "We'll come when we're ready. Do leave us alone. Just when we're talking so nicely," she added, turning to Bee. "What a bother she is"

"You have until morning. Where do you suppose you're going?" "I don't know, sir." "Curious, Jack?" "I don't care where we're going," Benson smiled back. "When it's a matter of business all parts of the earth look alike to me." Lieutenant Danvers laughed heartily. "Benson, lad," exclaimed the naval officer, "you've got the real make-up to serve in the Navy. It's a pity we had to lose you."

"But we're not going to leave things as they stand, just when we are hot on the trail. What do we do now?" "I'm of the opinion that there is a short-cut to the solution of the whole affair. Woods must have had a mechanician with him on the night of the murder." "What makes you think that?" I asked rather impatiently.

"He's going up town now!" said Reggie Van Nostrand, when the car had diverged from the congested district to an open avenue which ran north and south. The machine turned and sped along merrily toward Harlem. "We're willing," said Burke. "I want to track him to his headquarters." Block after block they followed the taxicab.

What I was thinking of was those famous lines of Sir Walter Scott's. You recollect the ones I mean, I suppose?" "No; I don't." "'Oh woman," said Meldon, "'in our hours of ease' that's now, Major, so far as we're concerned 'uncertain, coy, and hard to please. That's what Miss King ought to have been, but wasn't. Nobody can say she was coy about the lobsters.