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"I shall simply warn him to have nothing more to do with a woman who looks upon him with scorn and contempt." As she speaks she enters the closet that is nothing more than a big wardrobe, and, as she does so, Portia, quick as thought follows her, and, closing the door behind her, turns the key in the lock.

When she reached her home, an humble house in a poor quarter of the city, he begged immediate audience with her parents, who were, unfortunately, acquainted with the Spanish tongue, and told them it was his duty to warn them that the girl had not twenty-four hours to live; that she was afflicted with a mortal illness; that a priest should be called at once.

"You say that Dorothy declares she will marry young Storms in the teeth of every opposition." "Are we to permit the foolish girl to throw herself away?" "But how will you restrain her?" "One thing," exclaimed Mrs. Hanway-Harley, getting up to go; "that person, after to-morrow, shall never enter these doors! I shall have but one word; I shall warn him not to repeat his visits to this house."

The sight of most people in the room had grown dim. But Felicia had jumped up. "I don't want it all! I won't have it all!" she said in a passionate excitement. "My father hated me. I told him I would never take his money. Why didn't you tell me why didn't you warn me?" She turned to Tatham, her little body shaking, and her face threatening tears. "Why should Mr. Faversham do such a thing?

"To tell you the truth, I thought it was some new-fangled lottery scheme, and I have still to learn that I was mistaken." I gave him a look, but did not stop to undeceive him. But one resource was left: to warn Mr. S of his peril. This was not so easy a task as might appear. To make my story believed, I should be obliged to compromise Miss Calhoun, and Mr.

Betts was so thoughtful as to come on by an earlier train to get unpacked and warn us to be prepared," Macky observed in a respectful explanatory tone; and then she went on to offer her good wishes to the young lady she had nursed, in the manner of an old and trusted dependant of the family.

While Wolsey was absent in France arranging the terms of the alliance, Anne Boleyn took occasion to warn Henry that his great minister was unreliable, that in his heart he was opposed to the separation, and that without his knowledge or consent negotiations should be opened directly with the Roman court.

"A woman of the Prince heard him give instructions for thy disposal, Effendina, when the Citadel should turns its guns upon Cairo and the Palace. She was once of thy harem. Thou didst give her in marriage, and she came to the harem of Prince Harrik at last. A woman from without who sang to her a singing girl, an al'mah she trusted with the paper to warn thee, Effendina, in her name.

Having heard that he would do this on the morrow, I thought it only right to warn you, for I am a just man. The river Iss is but a short pilgrimage, Sarkoja. Come, John Carter." The next morning Sarkoja was gone, nor was she ever seen after.

"Then I'll warn the President " He held her with cruel force: "You understand that if it's true, my arrest, court-martial and death follow?" "No. I'll warn him not to come. I alone know " She broke his grip on her arm and started toward the door. He lifted his hand in quick commanding gesture: "Wait! my men are in that hall it's his life or mine now. You can take your choice "