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Son of a Nile crocodile, if he has escaped, thou too shalt escape from Egypt into Fazougli. Fool, Nahoum is no coward. He would remain. He is in Egypt." "If he be in Egypt, I will find him, Effendina. Have I ever failed? When thou hast pointed, have I not brought? Have there not been many, Effendina? Should I not bring Nahoum, who has held over our heads the rod?"

"Excellency, you are aware that I have come to ask for news of Claridge Pasha." She leaned forward slightly, but, apart from her tightly interlaced fingers, it would not have been possible to know that she was under any strain. "You come to me instead of to the Effendina. May I ask why, madame?

At this moment Kaid fastened David with his look, and spoke in a tone so loud that people standing at some distance were startled. "Claridge Pasha!" In the hush that followed David stepped forward. "May the bounty of the years be thine, Saadat," Kaid said in a tone none could misunderstand. "May no tree in thy orchard wither, Effendina," answered David in a firm voice.

The banks hold Foorgat's fortune against us, Effendina." "Foorgat had turned Mahommedan. Nahoum is a Christian. My will is law. Shall a Christian dog inherit from a true believer? The courts, the Wakfs shall obey me. And thou, son of a burnt father, shalt find Nahoum! Kaid shall not be cheated. Foorgat pledged the loan. It is mine.

Now, Effendina, he has brought hither the full amount of all he has received and acquired in thy service. He would offer it in tribute." Kaid smiled sardonically. "It is a thin jest. When a traitor dies the State confiscates his goods!" "Thee calls him traitor. Does thee believe he has ever conspired against thy life?" Kaid shrugged his shoulders. "Let me answer for thee, Effendina.

"It was too late, Effendina," replied High hopelessly. Kaid got to his feet slowly, rage possessing him. "Too late! Who makes it too late when I command?" "When Foorgat was found dead, Nahoum at once seized the palace and the treasures. Then he went to the courts and to the holy men, and claimed succession. That was while it was yet early morning. Then he instructed the banks.

Many had heard of David, a few had seen him, and now all eyed with inquisitive interest one who defied so many of the customs of his countrymen; who kept on his hat; who used a Mahommedan salutation like a true believer; whom the Effendina honoured and presently honoured in an unusual degree by seating him at table opposite himself, where his Chief Chamberlain was used to sit.

"I will go to his palace and speak with him." "Seize him?" "I have no power to seize him, Effendina." "I will give it. My Nubians shall go also." "Effendina, I will go alone. It is the only way. There is great danger to the throne. Who can tell what a night will bring forth?" "If Harrik should escape " "If I were an Egyptian and permitted Harrik to escape, my life would pay for my failure.

"The time had not come. Read, Effendina," he added, handing some papers over. "But it is the whole army!" said Kaid aghast, as he read. He was convinced. "There is only one guilty," returned Nahoum. Their eyes met. Oriental fatalism met inveterate Oriental distrust and then instinctively Kaid's eyes turned to David. In the eyes of the Inglesi was a different thing.

Have I not waited like a dog at thy door these many years, till that time would come when none could heal thee save Sharif?" "What canst thou give me?" "What the infidel physician gave thee not I can give thee hope. Hast thou done well, oh, Effendina, to turn from thine own people? Did not thine own father, and did not Mehemet Ali, live to a good age? Who were their physicians?