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"He's climbed up inside," declared Nuck. "I warrant that tree's holler up to the first crotch." "What'll we do?" demanded Bryce. "You shot that one, Nuck. Now I wanter git the other, before we go home." "We'll smoke him out," declared the elder brother. "You stay right here and watch, and I'll get some wood." Nuck had brought a tomahawk which, with his skinning knife, was thrust into his belt.

He led the black mule up close and boosted its master into the saddle, but Swope was not content. "Where's that dastard, Jeff Creede?" he demanded. "Well, I wanter see him, that's all. And say, Mr. Smart Alec, I want that gun, too, see?" "Well, you won't get it," said Hardy. "I will that," declared Swope, "'nd I'll git you, too, Willie, before I git through with you.

The recognition was instantaneous, mutual, and characterized by perfect equanimity on both sides. "Well! I wanter know!" said the lady, although the exclamation point was purely conventional. "Abner Langworthy! though perhaps I've no call to say 'Abner." "Same to you, Rosalie though I say it too," returned the landlord. "But hol' on just a minit."

And he was well? and all were happy? "Look yer, Mattayo! What I wanter know ez THIS. When did that man, who has just ridden out of your alley, come here? Sabe that it's a plain question." Ah surely, of the clearest comprehension. Bueno. It may have been last week or even this week or perhaps yesterday or of a possibility to-day.

"Be quiet, won't you?" he breathed. "Not me!" Uncle Henry persisted. "I've gotter tell the truth." "Yes, but " Gilbert began. "I don't wanter get shot," the old man declared. Lopez turned to Gilbert. "Is it true? You love her?" his eyes going to Lucia. How could he tell the truth? "Of course I do not," he affirmed. Then he went close to his uncle. "What did you do all this again for?"

Da come caze da wanter ter, an' now dat da's yere, da's jest er bo'din'; dat's all." "You are an old fool." "Yas, suh," replied Kintchin, "dat's whut I yere." Mammy came in and said to Kintchin, "De steers broke down de fence an' is eatin' up de co'n. See, through de winder?" "Dat won't do," Kintchin exclaimed with hurry in his voice but with passive feet. "No, it won't do.

"I got to take some breakfast down the Jackrabbit shaft to my prisoner. Wanter take a stroll that way?" he asked. "If the ladies will excuse us." "Glad to get rid of you," Miss Kinney assured him promptly, but with a bright smile that neutralized the effect of her sauciness. "Mrs. Collins and I want to have a talk." The way to the Jackrabbit lay up a gulch behind the town.

One night es I war going home from work de tallest man I eber seed followed me wid de prettiest white shirt on en den he passed me, en waited at de corner I war a feeling creepy en wanter run but jes couldn't git my laigs ter move en wen I'se git ter de corner war he war I said 'Good Ebening' en I seed him plain es day en de did not speak en jes disappeared right fore my eyes.

I has gib you licker an' I has gib you music, an' wife, dar, is cookin' supper fur you, an' it ain' no mo' den reason dat I'd wanter know whut we gwine git fur it." "Well, we'll pay you all right enough," replied Scott Aimes. "You've always treated us white, and you are about the only man in this neighborhood that has."

Sedgwick asked. "I know a boss ranch," said Jordan, "whar we can have a private room and talk all we wanter, only a few steps away." They found it a drinking house with private rooms in the rear. When seated there, Sedgwick soon learned that Jordan had sold everything in Texas stock and land and had converted all into money in bank some $35,000 and was, to use his own words, "makin' a tower."