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Ole Hannah dat lib wid you says dat you'se gittin' a lot ob beaux. Why, you eben make a 'pression on dat big, 'ansome Northern chap, ole Houghton's son, wen you doan know it. More'n once he ax me which de cakes you make, an' wen I tell him, he wanter buy dem all." "That's very funny," Ella said, and there was the old mirthful ring in her laugh. "You know him?" Aun' Sheba asked, quickly.

De boys ain't a gwine W'en you cry boo hoo Hop light, ladies, Oh, Miss Loo! Hit's eighteen hunder'd forty-en-fo', Christ done open dat He'v'mly do' An' I don't wanter stay yer no longer; Hit's eighteen hunder'd forty-en-five, Christ done made dat dead man alive An' I don't wanter stay yer no longer.

"But dash it all," said the Pilgrim, "me and my mate " "Hush!" said the publican. "How long are the horses likely to be?" we asked the driver. "Dunno," he grunted. "Might be three or four hours. It's all accordin'." "Now, look here," said the Pilgrim, "me and my mate wanter catch the train." "Hush-sh-sh!" from the publican in a fierce whisper.

"Never mind who I am," replied Dave. "You let this lady alone and go about your business." "I wanter see Abe Blower." "He has gone away." "Say, where have I seen you?" demanded the leathery-looking man, suddenly. "Oh, I remember now, on the train, comin' from the land sale. Say, was you there?" "No." "I know better! I saw you on the train you an' them other fellers, too!"

He sat down on a log and watched his brother go down the path, sobbing as usual, when he felt that he was a martyr. He sat long and thought. "It's bad," he sighed "a man cu'd do so much mo' in life if he didn't hafter waste so much time arguin' with fools. Well, I'm here fur the day an' I'll learn somethin'. Now, I wanter know if one squirrel er two squirrels stays in the same hole in winter.

"I reckon that rascally nevvy of mine has been playin' in great luck since he run away from Twomley & Sorber's Herculean Circus and Menagerie. Shouldn't blame him if he wanted to stay on. I'd wanter myself. Pleased to meet you, Miss." Ruth hurried to the nearest telephone and called up the lawyer's office. She was not much surprised to find that he was not there, it being Saturday afternoon.

Wilson answered slowly after the manner of one willing to consider an offer but eager to make a good bargain. "I don't know but what Carlina would suit me as well as Rio. It's more to get away from here than anything." "You has the right spirit, m' boy." He paused, then added indifferently, "Dunno but what I can find a berth fer you. Come if ye wanter, an' we'll talk it over." Wilson followed.

Then nobody would know me." Sylvia had quite forgotten the fine cookies. She was holding Estralla by the arm, and talking very rapidly. Estralla was almost frightened at Sylvia's eagerness. "Yas, Missy; but what for do you wanter go?" she asked. "Oh, Estralla! If the men are hungry we could carry them something to eat.

"'You take dis yer sweet'n' 'tater, sez she, 'I done goophered it 'speshly fer dat noo nigger, so you better not eat it yo'se'f er you'll wush you had n', en slip off ter town, en fin' dat strange man, en gib 'im dis yer sweet'n' 'tater. He mus' eat it befo' mawnin', sho', ef he doan wanter be sol' erway ter Noo Orleens.

One, I am convinced, had deliberately shot off his trigger finger; but it couldn't be proven, and he'll get his discharge. Another, a big, hulking brute, all jaw and no forehead, came up and looked insolently at Kemp. "Kemp said: 'Well, what's the matter with you? "'Aw, said the soldier, with a leer, 'I've got de lapsy-palls, and I wanter go to de horspittle, I do.