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Why, I remember the time when old Maunders as had three-and-twenty wans I remember the time when old Maunders had in his cottage in Spa Fields in the winter time, when the season was over, eight male and female dwarfs setting down to dinner every day, who was waited on by eight old giants in green coats, red smalls, blue cotton stockings, and high-lows: and there was one dwarf as had grown elderly and wicious who whenever his giant wasn't quick enough to please him, used to stick pins in his legs, not being able to reach up any higher.

"It'll ruin us intirely," he was wont to say, "for we can't stand by and see them die o' sickness an' intarvation mixed, an' the poor critters has nothin' wotever to pay. Hows'ever, vartue is its own reward, an' we makes the tough miners pay handsome for their supplies, which makes up for the sick wans, an' kapes us goin' on hearty enough." "And what of Meyer?" asked Frank, somewhat anxiously.

There's them that wants permotion in such a hurry that they all but knocks over the wans in front of 'em. And that's bad, so 'tis. And no way at all, nayther. Jist kape yoursilf ready to step, and when the toime comes step aisy loike a gintleman, and then folks rej'ices with you, instead of feelin' of their bumps and wonderin' at your impudence.

"And it's proud I am to be havin' all sorts of b'ys in my family, barrin' bad wans," she continued.

Up my back, an' in my boots, an' in the short hair av the neck that's where I kape my eyes whin I'm on duty an' the reg'lar wans are fixed. Know! Take my word for it, Sorr, ivrything an' a great dale more is known in a rig'mint; or fwhat wud be the use av a Mess Sargint, or a Sargint's wife doin' wet-nurse to the Major's baby? To reshume.

'Good-by, Mike. 'Timothy, darlin', don't forget your prayers. 'Cornalius, if ye do but look out f'r th' little wans, th' big wans 'll not harm ye. 'Teddy, lad, always wear ye'er Agnus Day. An', whin th' time come f'r th' thrain to lave, th' girls was up to th' lines; an' 'twas, 'Mike, love, ye'll come back alive, won't ye? an' 'Pat, there does be a pair iv yarn socks in th' hoomp on ye'er back.

"Then, when that's done," he continued, "I'll cut your lashin's, an' we'll crowd all sail for the woods, where I have already concealed some arms an' dried deer's-meat, an' if we can't get fair off and make for the east coast, we'll get on the top o' some mound or rock an' show these Redskins what English seamen can do when they're hard pressed." "Not to mintion Irish wans!" said Squill.

Fightin' is a bad thing, so it is. But your father's gone, and it's you must kape the little wans from harm in his place. You'd be but a bad brother to stand by and see any wan strike little Andy. There's some things has got to be put a stop to, and the sooner it's done the better, says I." Then after a pause, "I hope you larn your lessons, Pat?" "I do, mother." "I thought you would.

"Now, b'ys, there's what they call permotions. Often and often have I heard your father spake of 'em. We're havin' some of 'em this mornin'. Pat, he goes to earnin' money and his board. That gives Moike a chance to step up into his place, do you see? That's what permotions is for, I'm thinkin' to give the wans behoind you a chance.

Hand me the wooden spoon, Mister Collins; it's more the gauge o' me pratie-trap than the pewter wans. D'ye know, comrades, I'm a'most sure I seed an Injun in the bush. Av it wasn't, it was a ghost." "What like was he?"