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"Oh! murder the wampyre! what shall I do fire fire!" These exclamations were uttered in consequence of Varney in his haste to get up stairs, having inadvertently stepped into the girl's lap with one foot, while he kicked her in the chin with the other, besides scratching her nose till it bled.

"What does I mean!" said the woman, "why, sir, if it's all the same to you, I don't myself come of a wampyre family, and I don't choose to remain in a house where there is sich things encouraged. That's what I means, sir." "What wages are owing to you?" said Henry. "Why, as to wages, I only comed here by the day." "Go, then, and settle with my mother. The sooner you leave this house, the better."

He took refuge in a small closet on the stairs, but was seen to do so by a girl, who screamed out with fear and fright, "Murder! murder! the wampyre! the wampyre!" with all her strength, and in the way of screaming that was no little, and then she went off into a fit.

"No, a wampyre; the blessed wampyre! there he is, don't you see him under them ere bricks?" "Oh, that's not him; he got away." "I don't care," replied the other, "who got away, or who didn't; I know this much, that he's a wampyre, he wouldn't be there if he warn't."

"What!" said one; "who's going to handle such cattle? if you've a sore about you, and his blood touches you, who's to say you won't be a vampyre, too!" "No, no you won't," said an old woman. "I won't try," was the happy rejoinder; "I ain't a-going to carry a wampyre on my two legs home to my wife and small family of seven children, and another a-coming."

"But I tell you what, mates," said the first speaker; "that if it isn't Sir Francis Varney's, it is somebody else's as bad. I dare say, now, he's a wictim." "A what!" "A wictim to the wampyre; and, if he sees the blessed moonlight, he will be a wampyre hisself, and so shall we be, too, if he puts his teeth into us."

"Hurrah!" shouted a female voice; "we've got the wampyre! run a stake through his body, and then place him upon some dry wood, there's plenty to be had about here, I am sure, and then burn him to a cinder." "That's right, old woman, that's right," said a man; "nothing better: the devil must be in him if he come to life after that, I should say."