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"Brettone," said Arimbaldo at length, in a whispered voice, "my heart misgives me. I like not Walter's ambitious schemes. With our own countrymen we are frank and loyal, why play the traitor with this high-souled Roman?" "Tush!" said Brettone. "Our brother's hand of iron alone can sway this turbulent people; and if Rienzi be betrayed, so also are his enemies, the Barons. No more of this!

One might think, after the way in which he had treated not a few books and not a few authors, he could scarcely consider it such a very fine thing to be an author; but there is always a difference between thine and mine, treated by the man of this world as essential. The book was Walter's book and not another's! no common prose or poetry this, but the first-born of his deepest feeling!

"Speaking from my own observation of him," she replied, "I can say that I have never known him to tell an untruth or do a dishonourable deed. As to theft, it is merely ridiculous. His habits have always been inexpensive and frugal, he is unambitious to a fault, and in respect to the 'main chance' his indifference is as conspicuous as Walter's keenness.

Alice clutched Walter's arm in a panic; they were just at the driveway entrance. "Walter, we mustn't go in there." "What's the matter?" "Leave this awful car outside." "Why, I " "Stop!" she insisted, vehemently. "You've got to! Go back!" "Oh, Glory!"

Here, as they expected, they found Walter. He was sitting in a listless attitude, with his back towards them, and he started as he heard their footsteps. "You let yourself be beaten, Evson Walter, And afterwards you proved a base defaulter," said Henderson, who was in high spirits, as he clapped his hands on Walter's shoulders, and continued

She admired, too, the bored way he swung his stick as they sauntered into and out of the lobbies of the great hotels. The first flowers from a real florist's which she had ever received, except for a bunch of carnations from Henry Carson at Panama high-school commencement, came from Walter long-stemmed roses in damp paper and a florist's box, with Walter's card inside.

In a moment Walter's strong arms had caught him, and lifted him tenderly into the boat. While the waves tossed them up and down they placed him at full length as comfortably as they could, which was not very comfortably and though his clothes were streaming with salt water, and his fainting fit still continued, they began at once to row home.

"No," he said, grimly, snatching at the menu, "because I haven't any purpose in the scheme of things." Una told herself that she was pleased to see how the scrawny waitress purred at Walter when he gave his order. Actually she was feeling resentfully that no saw-voiced, galumphing Amazon of a waitress could appreciate Walter's smile.

"Thank you, sir," said Rosie. "I will be pleased to go as far as Fairview with you, but not on to Woodburn at this time: because I do not feel at all sure that mamma may not be taken worse. So I shall not stay long away from home." Walter's reply was to the same effect, and as the captain's carriage and horses were already at the door, the three were presently on their way to Fairview.

'Oh, is that Walter's sister, who is ill? said Gladys eagerly. 'Please, may I come in? Ask her. Tell her that I have come from Colquhoun Street to see her. I am Gladys Graham. The young woman disappeared into the interior; a whispered consultation followed, and a general hurrying movement of things being put straight, then Gladys was bidden come in.