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During the course of these remarks his comrades signified their hearty concurrence in his sentiments, by giving vent to sundry low-toned "hums!" and "hahs!" and "wahs!" and "hohs!" according to circumstances. After it was over Jacques rose, and addressing them in their own language, said "My Indian brethren are great. They are brave, and their fame has travelled far.

During the course of these remarks his comrades signified their hearty concurrence to his sentiments, by giving vent to sundry low-toned "hums!" and "has!" and "wahs!" and "hos!" according to circumstances. After it was over Jacques rose, and addressing them in their own language, said, "My Indian brethren are great. They are brave, and their fame has travelled far.

"If it dun cum dat boy will prove as brave as any of dem," said Pompey. "Yo' see, it's in de Radbury blood, wot fit in de Rebolution, de wah ob 1812 and de Injun wahs. Da can't help it no moah dan da kin help eatin', he! he!" And he slapped his thigh enthusiastically.

He drives Rukmini from him, and implores the yellow-painted god for forgiveness; and, as he is the preserver, it is granted. Satyavama is brought back to life. She presents her son to her husband, who holds out his arms to embrace him; and the curtain drops in a blaze of Bengal lights, and the "Wah! Wahs!" of the Hindu audience.