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His Wagnerian cloak is a world too large for his trifling themes. Siegfried Wagner does not count, and for anything novel we are forced to turn our eyes and ears toward the direction of France. After Berlioz, a small fry, indeed, yet not without interest. The visit made by Claude Debussy to Russia in 1879 and during his formative period had consequences.

The sparkle, the fireworks, the sheer noise of the choruses, carried every one away. In Dresden Wagner became the man of the hour. He had aimed at a success of this sort, and he attained it, though by no means so quickly as he had expected, nor in the quarter where a success would have been profitable. It is not needful to say much more about the music.

Wagner was assailed at this time not so much quâ composer as quâ conductor. Now we of the generation of to-day the younger members, anyhow are so accustomed to really able conductors, that it is somewhat difficult to realize what things were like throughout Europe in 1843-49.

Among the prisoners captured by the British forces at Colesburg were three Boer women who wore men's clothing, but it was not until after they had been confined in the prison-ship at Cape Town for several weeks that their sex was discovered. A real little Boertje was Helena Herbst Wagner, of Zeerust, who spent five months in the laagers and in the trenches without her identity being revealed.

Being Richard Wagner, he felt his soul strangled; and that Minna had for some time been worrying about what he might do next is shown by his remark to a friend that other people had their enemies outside their houses: his enemy sat at his own table. Things had not gone well at the theatre.

There was a visible movement among the white-covered beds, and the nurses frowned, while the doctor came hurriedly toward me, holding up his finger warningly. I really have no talent for nursing. It seems that everything I do is wrong. The German officer said, when I went away, "I will convince you to-morrow, when you come, that Wagner is the greatest genius living."

Whatever dramatic interest the older story may possess lies in there being two Isoldes, and in Tristan's desertion of one for the other, of an unlawful mistress for a lawful wife. It seems from certain remarks of Wagner that he at first intended to preserve this feature of the original, but discarded it as the emotional unity of his subject-matter grew upon him.

He was immediately attacked by Harker and Wagner, but the position was strong, the ridge being rugged and difficult of ascent, and after the first onset our men recoiled.

His orchestra reflects the emotional implications of the text and action with absolute and scrupulous fidelity, but suggestively rather than with detailed emphasis. The drama is far less heavily underscored than with Wagner; the note of passion or of conflict or of tragedy is never forced.

For in August, 1870, the following announcement was sent out: "We have the honor to announce our marriage, which took place on the 25th of August of this year in the Protestant Church in Lucerne. Richard Wagner. Cosima Wagner, née Liszt. "August 25, 1870." When, in 1882, I attended the first performance of "Parsifal" in Bayreuth, I had frequent opportunity of seeing Wagner and Frau Cosima.