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Back came the word of the king that the white man, with the waggon and his servant, were to be led on towards the Great Place at such speed as would bring him there in time for him to behold the last ceremony of the feast of first-fruits; but, for the present, that the waggon itself and the oxen were to be left at the mouth of the gorge, in charge of a guard, who would be answerable for them.

So he left the horse and waggon at the inn, and took ship with the merchants who were going to Stargard. These were their adventures. The rest his father knew as well as himself. The burgomaster then asked Sidonia had he spoken truth. So she dried her eyes, and nodded her head for "Yes."

Fifty of each, with ten thousand rounds of cartridges, will cost about £600, and we have as much as that in the bank; also we have the new waggon, and plenty of good oxen and horses. We can take a dozen of the horses with us, and sell them in the north of the Transvaal for a fine price, before we get into the tetsefly belt. The oxen will probably carry us through, as they are most of them salted."

Indeed, an investigation of the banks revealed the fact that a loaded waggon had passed the river here and at no distant date, perhaps a week before. "This is good enough," said John; "we will try it." And without further ado they plunged into the rapid.

We women, meantime, tried to quiet the screaming children, and prevent the "unconsidered trifles" which filled the corners of the waggon from falling out a duty not unattended with danger, as pussy, on guard over her nursery, and excited by the general bouleversement, gave a spiteful claw to any foot or hand which approached too near her box.

My lord is strong and well, apparently, so he will not mind if it is a little heavy; and I will make a hole in the bottom of the waggon in order to feed my lord." "Do what you will, only take me!" In an hour, a waggon-load of bricks left Ouman, drawn by two sorry nags.

"I was wrong in letting Rupert start, but I pray that he may be back before the Zulus reach the river." "No fear of that, mother, as Crawford is going for him," said Percy. "We'll get in the waggon too, with its load of meat, which will better enable us to stand a siege."

By our Utah allies, whom we encountered on the following day, we were "outfitted" for recrossing the prairies the abandoned waggon, with a team of Indian mules, affording a proper means of transport. Not without regret did we part with the friendly Mexican trapper, and our brave associates, the ex-rifleman and ex-infantry.

When he cantered across, the driver whipped up his horses, and the G.S. waggon bounded over the open fields for half a mile before the sergeant-major got sufficiently near to order it to halt. "They belong to the st Brigade, sir," the sergeant-major informed the adjutant, "and I've told the sergeant in charge of the party to consider himself under arrest until you have seen him."

I have spent the best part of one day and night in a canoe two late nights on the road in the spring waggon and stage one night, and part of another, in steamers and the remaining five nights in bed. I am all right to-day except my ribs having had a good sleep. I could not consult any one with any good while travelling, but as soon as I got here I sent for Dr.