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She is kinder romantic in spots, and Josiah hearn her and said, soty vosey, to me, "You won't ketch me weepin' over any tooth unless it is achin' like the Old Harry." But I kinder wanted to see the tooth.

We see gypsy tents anon or oftener, for what are gypsies but true Bohemians, wanderers at will, hither and yon. Josiah mentioned the idee of our leavin' the train for an hour or two and havin' our fortunes told by a real gypsy, but I told him sotey vosey that my fortune come along about as fast as I wuz ready for it, and I didn't know as I wanted to pay these swarthy creeters for lyin' to me.

As the cars drew into the station they tooted their delight agin and agin at our safe return as the train stopped. As we walked up the platform I see Josiah furtively on-button his stiff linen cuffs as if preparin' to throw 'em off for life. His face radiant, and hummin' sotey vosey his favorite ballad: "Hum agin, hum agin, from a furren shore."

I hearn one man say," sez Arvilly: "'O Lord, thou knowest by the morning papers, so and so. I d'no as a prayer turned off by a wheel would look much worse or be much less acceptable." Josiah looked encouraged, and sez he to me, soty vosey, "Arvilly always did have good horse sense." Sez I, "They wuzn't run by machinery wicked, wicked way.