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At least heartaches were quite real. It was almost Christmas week before the realization of Trudy's ambition to have Beatrice call upon her as the wife of Gaylord Vondeplosshe instead of an unimportant employee of her own husband. Trudy counted upon Beatrice to help her far more than Gaylord dared to hope.

Vondeplosshe as she brought Mary up before the entrance of the Graystone, a cheap apartment house with a marble entrance that extended only a quarter of the way up; from there on ordinary wood and marbleized paper finished the deed. The Vondeplosshes had a rear apartment.

Whereupon Gaylord proudly rolled out of the Constantine gates in a motor car bearing Constantine's monogram, and by late afternoon he had come to a most satisfactory understanding with decorators and antique dealers an understanding which led to an increase in the prices Beatrice was to pay and the splitting of the profits between one Gaylord Vondeplosshe and the tradesmen. "A supper!"

"Thank you but Gay read them to me at breakfast.... You never come to our little home, do you? Too busy, I presume. Or are you one of those who can forgive everyone but the interior decorator?" This with an arch expression and a slight twinkle of the blue eyes it could not quite be called a wink. "I'm afraid so, Mrs. Vondeplosshe. I leave such things to Beatrice." "Oh, I understand."

"He's Vondeplosshe's boy," they said; so they gave him a position or a loan or a letter of introduction, and thought at the same time what a splendid thing it was Vondeplosshe was out of it instead of having to stand by and see his son make a complete foozle.

All the good that was in Trudy responded to Mary's goodness. She never tried to be to Mary no one did more than once. Nor did she try to flatter her. She was truly sorry for Mary's colourless life, truly grieved that Mary would not consent to shape her eyebrows. But she respected her, and it was to Mary's house that Mrs. Vondeplosshe repaired shortly after her arrival.

And because he was a son of Vondeplosshe the same family friends endured his conceited twaddle and his knock-kneed, wicked little self, and sighed with relief when he went away. It would be so much easier to send these dethroned sons of rich men a supply of groceries and an order for coal!

In a few years you will find Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Vondeplosshe in Hanover society with capital letters, hobnobbing with Beatrice O'Valley and her set and somehow managing to exist in elegance. Don't ask how they will do it but they will. However, they would never consider starting from our house. That would be getting off on a sprained ankle." Mrs. Faithful gulped the rest of her coffee.

"Of course there are tiny things to brush up on greeting people, and you mustn't be so in earnest at dinner parties and contradict and thump your fist. It isn't good form." "When whippersnappers like Gaylord Vondeplosshe " "Sh-h-h! Gay's a dear. He is accepted every place." "We're nearly there, tough luck! One kiss, please; no one can see. Say you care, then everything else must true up."

In March Gaylord Vondeplosshe telephoned Mary, about nine o'clock one evening, that Trudy was quite ill and wanted to see her. Would Mary mind coming over if he called in the roadster? There was a fearsome tone in his voice which made Mary consent despite Luke's protests.