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Ecod, now, but it sounds a nice, lonesome place just the sort o' place for it, a a capital place as you might call it." And Mr. Shrig positively chuckled and rubbed his chubby hands together; but all at once, he shook his head gloomily, and glancing at Barnabas, sighed deeply. "But you von't go, o' course, sir?" "Go?" "To Oakshott's Barn, to-morrow evening?"

My poor, poor lad, you can do better than that! There are the savings banks." Beck looked frightened. "I 'opes your honour von't tell no vun. I 'opes no vun von't go for to put my tin vere I shall know nothing vatsomever about it. Now, I knows vere it is, and I lays on it." "Do you sleep more soundly when you lie on your treasure?" "No.

But Vanslyperken argued in his mind that his grounds of complaint would be weakened, if he partook of the refreshment which he had been forced to pay for, so he resolutely denied. "Von't you listen to my harguments, Mr Vanslyperken?" continued the woman. "Vell, then, I must resort to the last, which I never knew fail yet."

Hart, who passed it on, and still wore his hat. "You won't agree, Mr. Hart?" said Tyrrwhit. "Not yet I von't," said Hart. "I ain't thought it out. I ain't in the same boat with the rest. I'm not afraid of my money. I shall get that all right." "Then I may as well go," said Augustus. "Don't be in a hurry, Mr. Scarborough," said Tyrrwhit. "Things of this kind can't be done just in a moment."

"It von't go begging," replied the German with a smile. Everyone again looked toward the door, which creaked as the second princess went in with the drink she had prepared according to Lorrain's instructions. The German doctor went up to Lorrain. "Do you think he can last till morning?" asked the German, addressing Lorrain in French which he pronounced badly.

"But this this is an outrage!" spluttered the fussy gentleman, "a guard blind in one eye! Scandalous! I shall write to the papers of this. But you surely you carry a weapon too?" "A vepping? Ay, to be sure, sir, I've got a blunder-bush, under this 'ere werry seat, loaded up to the muzzle wi' slugs too, though it von't go off." "Won't eh, what? Won't go off?"

I know everyt'ing every little t'ing I been around dis place too long. She came right out here from the East and offered to marry him, but he had to give up his fighting. He was a bad man you see? He was quick with a gun, and she was afraid he'd go out and get killed. So I laugh at him now and he goes avay and leaves me but he von't let me talk with his vife. She's an awful nice woman but "

The Swede, smiling, shook his head. "You go on an' look for the vife an' kid," he said. "Ay ban as gude as dead already; but" he hesitated "Ay hate to think of the hyenas. Von't you finish up this job?" Tarzan shuddered. A moment ago he had been upon the point of killing this man. Now he could no more have taken his life than he could have taken the life of any of his best friends.

"But, me good fellow," cried the major, who had now completed his toilet, "you've got your tie under your lift ear. It looks very quaint and ornamintal there, but still it's not quite the place for it. You look as if you were ticketed for sale." "They von't see it unless I puts it out sidevays from under my beard," the German said apologetically.

But by the holy, jumping Judas, I'm going to forget myself some day and knock the soo-preme pip out of this Dutchman!" He turned abruptly away and went striding back towards the town and the Professor leered at Denver. "Vot I told you?" he boasted, "I ain't scared of dat mens he promised his vife he von't fight!" "Good enough," said Denver, "but don't work it too hard.