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She was twanging a Swedish patois not in monotone, like English, but singing it, with a lyrical whine: "Pete he say you kom pretty soon hunting, doctor. My, dot's fine you kom. Is dis de bride? Ohhhh! Ve yoost say las' night, ve hope maybe ve see her som day. My, soch a pretty lady!" Mrs. Rustad was shining with welcome. "Vell, vell! Ay hope you lak dis country! Von't you stay for dinner, doctor?"

Der natives von't know und der white peebles von't be alive to care aboudt it. Ve let it stay hided in der cave undil dis drouble is all over und den it vill be easy to get it avay from der island, yoost so quiet. Come on, boys! Don't be lazy!" "I don't like dot scheme to rob der bank," growled Jan. "If der peeples get onto us, dey vould cut us to bieces." "But dey von't get onto us, you fool.

Weller, dropping the poker as he looked round, and hastily drew his chair away. 'Wot's the matter now? 'Have a cup of tea, there's a good soul, replied the buxom female coaxingly. 'I von't, replied Mr. Weller, in a somewhat boisterous manner. 'I'll see you Mr. Weller hastily checked himself, and added in a low tone, 'furder fust. 'Oh, dear, dear!

I would ask questions only when you said I might." "Veil, now, dot's a good idea. Mine eyes vas getten old, und you vas young, put it von't last; you vas a young ding, und girls vas vlighty and vant vat you call him? peaux und vrolics ven der nights vas goot and glear." "Try me," said Mildred, with a little emphatic nod.

And the leaves'll keep a-fluttering over 'im, and the birds'll keep a-singing to 'im, oh, Number Three'll be comfortable enough, 'e von't 'ave to vorry about nothink no more, it'll be Number Vun and Number Two as'll do the vorrying, and me till I gets my 'ooks on 'em, and then " "But," said Barnabas earnestly, "why not try to prevent it?" "Prewent it, sir?" said Mr.

Jorrocks, as the halfpenny fell head downwards. "Now, Spiers, couple up with Crane, and James and I will whip in to you. But stop, gentlemen!" cried Mr. Jorrocks, as he reached the top of the stairs, "let me make one request that you von't eat the windmill you'll see on the centre of the table. Mrs. Jorrocks has hired it for the evening, of Mr.

And now, Binjimin, you're going to break the windmill with your clumsiness, you little dirty rascal! Why von't you let Batsay arrange the table? Thank you, Mr. It's a regular annihilator. Binjimin, run and kick the fellow's werry soul out of him. There's no man suffers so much from music as I do.

For a moment he thought he would bully Mr. Hart, but when he looked into Mr. Hart's face, his heart misgave him. "This is a most inconvenient time ," he had begun. But he hesitated, and Mr. Hart began his attack at once. "Captain 'Oshspur sir, let me tell you this von't do no longer." "What won't do, Mr. Hart?" "Vat von't do? You know vat von't do. Let me tell you this.

"'Why, I call it the Juniper, says the old prospector kind of innocent; and Abe he jumped right up in the air. "'Vell, dat's all right, he yells, tapping himself on the chest, 'but here's one Jew, I betcher, dat you von't nip again! Get the point he thought the old prospector was making a joke of it and calling his mine the Jew-Nipper!"

Then he went on: "You give it to de strikers " But Carpenter interrupted: "It was you who were going to give it. I cannot give nor take money." "You mean you von't take it to dem?" "I couldn't possibly do it, Mr. "But, man " "Your promise was that you would come and give it. Now do so." "But, Mr. Carpenter, if I vas to do such a ting, it vould cost me a million dollars.