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Darting to the footlights, as well as his little fat figure would let him, he roared out, "What's all this here row about?" and glancing round to see on whom he could heap his vengeance, he caught sight of our two friends, and looking up indignantly at them, he continued "I von't have no row in my the-a-ter. If you vants to kick up a row you'd better go the The-a-ter R'yal."

'You can spik blainly, Mister Selvyn, he went on amiably. 'Ve unnerstan' each odder, hein? Von't you smoke one of dem cigars? 'No, said Selwyn. He looked at the little man for about ten seconds, then, crossing to the wall, wrenched the sign away, nail and all. 'Here, here, protested Mr. Schneider, backing warily to the door, 'vot for you do dis? Vot you mean, you great big fourflusher?

Av ye wur dying fer a foight, ye'd challenge him. Ye're th' biggest coward on th' face av th' earth. Ye give me distriss!" "Vos dot so!" retorted Hans. "Don'd you pelieve me! Vos id my blace to fight mit a blebe?" "Of course it is yer place, ye ignoramus." "Vell, I didn't know dot. Maype I fight him some dime pime-py right avay soon alretty yet." "Oh, no ye won't." "Von't I?"

"That the paper is roughened a little, and the ink has run." "Yes, and vot else? Look at it a bit closer, sir." "Why," said Barnabas staring hard at the spot, "it looks as though something had been scratched out!" "And so it has, sir. If you go there at seven-thirty, it von't be a fair lady as'll be vaiting to meet you. The time's been altered o' course jest as I 'oped and expected."

"Good day, good day," cried Miller, hastily, and glancing his eye a little curiously at our equipments. "What have you got in your box essences?" "Nein; vatches and drinkets;" setting down the box and opening it at once, for the inspection of all present. "Von't you burchase a goot vatch, dis bleasant mornin'?" "Be they ra-al gold?" asked Miller, a little doubtingly.

Without pausing in his work he sized Nance up. "I von't take childern anny more. I tried it many times already. De inspector git me into troubles. It don't pay." "But I'll dodge the inspectors," urged Nance. "You know how to sew, eh?" "No; but you kin learn me. Please, Mr. Lavinski, Ikey said you would." Mr. Lavinski bestowed a doting glance on his son. "My Ikey said so, did he?

At this time of day the Bowery, always a busy thoroughfare, was swarming with people, and the numerous "barkers" for the clothing stores, photograph establishments, and the like, were doing their best to make trade come to them. As Dick hurried past one clothing establishment a short, stocky Jew stepped in front of him. "Von't you step inside, young chentleman?

He flung up his hands with a gesture of despair and turned and started away. "It's no use," he exclaimed but suddenly he heard the woman's voice behind him again "I vill make it five dollars for you." She followed behind him, arguing with him. "You vill be foolish not to take such an offer," she said. "You von't find nobody go out on a rainy day like dis for less.

"It won't hurt you," Fugger said; "you'll simply have to pay less for your stones and sell them cheaper after they are cut. It won't make much difference in the long run." "Von't it, by Joves! Why, man, I've got over a hundred shtones on my hands now. Vat am I going to do vid 'em." "Ah, that's a bad job. You must make up your mind to lose on them." "Von't you buy them yourself, Mr.

And righdt avay he took her money and put it into cows, and the drought come along and killed them; and now he has nothing, not so much as I haf, and an expensive daughter besides!" He paused and wagged his head and indulged in a senile grin. "Und pretty, too vat? The boys are all crazy, but she von't have a thing to do with them.