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"Ah!" said I, "considering that it would have to be in verse, and in Voltairean verse, I would rather not undertake the task." With a view to pleasing the actress the young author asked me how I would tell her that she was charming without using an 'r'. "I should say that she enchanted me, made me in an ecstasy, that she is unique."

People fidgeted on their chairs and looked aside or downward, whenever his glance accidentally fell on them, and to the analytical Voltairean mind of M. le Duc there was something grimly humorous in the whole situation.

The Council of Castille, which he consulted, pro formâ, on that business, showed itself favourable, moved by the able report of his fiscal, Gutierez de la Huerta, a man known for his Voltairean opinions, who was suspected of having received a large sum of money to defend, with energy, the cause of fanaticism and of intolerance.

"Did you ever meet Kinglake at my rooms?" writes Monckton Milnes to MacCarthy: "he has had immense success. I now rather wish I had written his book, WHICH I COULD HAVE DONE AT LEAST NEARLY." We are reminded of Charles Lamb "here's Wordsworth says he could have written Hamlet, IF HE HAD HAD A MIND." "A delightful Voltairean volume," Milnes elsewhere calls it.

His seems to have been an ill-balanced nature, soon buoyed up by enthusiasms, and as speedily depressed by their evaporation; endowed with enough of learning and culture to be a Voltairean and write second-rate verses; and with a talent for intrigue which sufficed to embarrass his never very affluent fortunes.

In 1782 Panckoucke a familiar name in the correspondence of Voltaire and the Voltairean family conceived the plan of a Methodical Encyclopædia. This colossal work, which really consists of a collection of special cyclopædias for each of the special sciences, was not completed until 1832, and comprises one hundred and sixty-six volumes of text, with a score more volumes of plates.

What was the use of stirring up a scandal which would only have led to jocular remarks in the newspapers? Whenever any fraudulent miracles of this kind were discovered, the Fathers contented themselves with forcing the guilty parties to go away. Moreover, these feigners were far from numerous, despite all that was related of them in the amusing stories concocted by Voltairean humourists.

My father is quite right; he accepts the Voltairean philosophy, and cries, Vivent les indifferents!" "My dear M. de Vandemar," said Graham, "in every country you will find the same thing. All individuals massed together constitute public life.

What was the use of stirring up a scandal which would only have led to jocular remarks in the newspapers? Whenever any fraudulent miracles of this kind were discovered, the Fathers contented themselves with forcing the guilty parties to go away. Moreover, these feigners were far from numerous, despite all that was related of them in the amusing stories concocted by Voltairean humourists.

This stupidity proves with what force they turn their minds to celestial matters; although the Voltairean Chevalier de Valois declared that it was difficult to decide whether stupid people became naturally pious, or whether piety had the effect of making intelligent young women stupid.