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We are only warming into new life and strength this virus of Rebellion, to have it recoil upon ourselves. We hope our authorities will soon discover their error, and change their tactics. Our scouting is on a limited scale, though it affords considerable exercise and excitement. Thereby we are learning the topography of the country, and making small maps of the same.

I shall proceed to enumerate the sources, or what appear to me as such, of a spurious cow-pox. First: That arising from pustules on the nipples or udder of the cow; which pustules contain no specific virus. Thirdly: From matter taken from an ulcer in an advanced stage, which ulcer arose from a true cow pock.

Hence it follows that a person, either by accident or design, might be so filled with these wounds from contact with the virus that the constitution might sink under the pressure.

The whole of the animal's body, therefore, no matter which fragment be submitted to the steeping process, yields the virus that so greatly pricks my curiosity. The cause of the effects which I observe is therefore connected with general properties which I ought to find in any insect, even the most harmless. I consult Oryctes nasicornis, the peaceable rhinoceros beetle, on this subject.

Pasteur discovered that the virulence of the virus of rabies could be attenuated in passing it through different species of animals, and also that inoculation of this attenuated virus had a decided prophylactic effect on the disease; hence, by cutting the spinal cord of inoculated animals into fragments a few centimeters long, and drying them, an emulsion could be made containing the virus.

The virus appears to be communicated through the saliva of the animal, and to show a marked affinity for nerve tissues; and the disease is most likely to develop when the patient is infected on the face or other uncovered part, or in a part richly endowed with nerves. A dog which has bitten a person should on no account be killed until its condition has been proved one way or the other.

Damn it, sir, am I awake?" "Ask Doctor Castleton, sir, what portion of a grain of small-pox virus it would require to disseminate over a whole county, if not checked, a dread disease? Ask him from what an oak-tree grows?" "Ask him," said Castleton, "how long it takes an acorn to act. In this case we require celerity of action force and penetration."

The only way to make such a course democratic is to carefully instruct all women, rich and poor, wise and ignorant, in the methods of avoiding reproduction and to inject the virus of individualism in all alike. Then the group can get its population supply only by a new system of control. To remove any economic handicaps to child-bearing is certainly not out of harmony with our ideas of justice.

Frequently the faces, and other parts of those who recovered, were disfigured by the ghastly cicatrices of healed ulcers. This I do not pretend to account for. We thought at the time that the Rebels had deliberately poisoned the vaccine matter with syphilitic virus, and it was so charged upon them.

I shall not enter into any dispute about the particular MODE of infection, whether it be by the atmosphere the physician carries about him into the sick-chamber, or by the direct application of the virus to the absorbing surfaces with which his hand comes in contact. Many facts and opinions are in favour of each of these modes of transmission.