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She was only dimly aware of Benedict out in the hall in front, viperishly waiting for the arrival of one of the owners to make an impassioned plea for reinstatement. Her tears or her tantrums were matters of supremely little importance. But that John Galbraith should see that he had promoted her on merit and on nothing but merit, mattered enormously.

"The question is, what is sufficient? Too much sometimes goes to the head. Far be it from me to upset your cup of happiness. But drink wisely, Madame, in little sips, not in great gulps. It's better for the health of all concerned. And the contents of your bottle will no doubt be just as efficacious another time." "I know what you mean," she flung at him, viperishly.

He was frowning upon me, and smiling viperishly at the same time. "I like your frankness better than your piety," said he. "So now we understand each other, and know that neither is in the other's debt. Hereafter beware of Egidio Gambara. I give you this last loyal warning. See that you do not come into my way again." I rose and looked at him looked down from my greater height.

Dalziel inquired about him; Tony with his mouth full answered indistinctly and hurriedly that he was "getting along all right" as well as anybody could expect; and Milly viperishly turned the subject to Major Vandyke's exploit. "He'll be a greater popular hero now than Captain March ever was," she remarked with an elaborately impersonal air.