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They are a harmless race when white men either let them alone or treat them no worse than dogs; in fact they are almost entirely harmless anyhow, for they seldom think of resenting the vilest insults or the cruelest injuries. They are quiet, peaceable, tractable, free from drunkenness, and they are as industrious as the day is long. A disorderly Chinaman is rare, and a lazy one does not exist.

How can you look an innocent girl in the face when you are degrading your manhood with the vilest practice? Keep your mind and life pure and nobility will be your crown. MAN RESPONSIBLE. Every great social reform must begin with the male sex. They must either lead, or give it its support. Prostitution is a sin wholly of their own making.

"That Giovanni Massetti who has been disowned and disinherited by his father for the commission of one of the vilest and most dishonorable crimes known to the world?" "The same!" answered Monte-Cristo, calmly. Mme. de Rancogne was now more astounded than ever. "You know this man's record and yet you allow him to win your daughter! Count, this is not like you! I cannot understand it!"

To his mind it was the vilest treason, the grossest selfishness, to conspire or to wink at the sacrifice of a voice like Vittoria's to such a temporal matter as this, which they called patriotism. He looked on it as one might look on the Hindoo drama of a Suttee. He saw in it just that stupid action of a whole body of fanatics combined to precipitate the devotion of a precious thing to extinction.

His ministers, his generals, his mistresses, his courtiers, soon perceived his weakness. They praised him with emulation and spoiled him. Praises, or to say truth, flattery, pleased him to such an extent, that the coarsest was well received, the vilest even better relished. It was the sole means by which you could approach him.

"How did you get your hair wet?" the old man would continue, rising and feeling two guilty little heads. "Per-perspiration, sir," we would gasp out faintly. "And that vile odor about you? Hey? Is that perspiration, too?" sniffing the air with a grim resolution that made our hearts sink. We had been smoking drift-wood, the vilest stuff that anybody can put in his mouth.

I was in happy ignorance just then that I had followed the boy into one of the vilest and most dangerous parts of London in those days, to wit a Drury Lane court, one of the refuges of some of the worst characters in that district.

Desperately, as if all the lives in the universe and the future of her soul were at stake, did she struggle to free herself from his grasp but in vain; every fibre, every muscle of her body was completely at his will. On and on he pushed her, until foot by foot, inch by inch, she approached the cradle, and all the while his hellish voice was breathing the vilest of inspirations into her brain.

In old times not a few houses in Scotland held a certain tiny room, built for the head of the family, to be his closet for prayer: it was, I believe, with the notion of such a room in his head, that the laird had called his museum his closet; and he was more right than he meant to be; for in that chamber he did his truest worship truest as to the love in it, falsest as to its object; for there he worshiped the god vilest bred of all the gods, bred namely of man's distrust in the Life of the universe.

There is nothing for the men to do, and the time hangs terribly heavy on their hands; to which it must be added, that our ships are too often infested by some of the vilest contaminations of the shore.