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You might summons them to appear while the court is sitting, M. Camusot; take down their depositions before four o'clock, send in your report to-night, and we will give our decision in the morning before the court sits." "We will settle what course to pursue while the barristers are pleading," said Vice-President Blondet, addressing Camusot.

I do not claim that speech nominated Sherman, only that nearly everybody who was present became a most vociferous advocate for Sherman for vice-president. The position of vice-president is one of the most difficult in our government. Unless the president requests his advice or assistance, he has no public function except presiding over the Senate.

In another letter, addressed to vice-president Santander, he wrote: "I have fulfilled all my obligations, for I have done my duty as a soldier, the only profession which I have followed since the first day of the Republic.... I was not born to be a magistrate.... Even if a soldier saves his country, he rarely proves a good executive.... You, only, are a glorious exception to this rule."

In case the Provisional President is impeached by the National Council he shall be tried by a special Court consisting of nine judges elected among the justices of the Supreme Court of the realm. Art. 42. In case the Provisional President vacates his office for various reasons, or is unable to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the Provisional Vice-President shall take his place.

You don't pick up a business like that every day in the week." The President could make no better suggestion, and in this instance he did not call the Vice-President into conference. "Do the best you can, then," he said shortly; "and let me know how you're getting along." Mr.

From MRS. FLORA BEALL GINTY, of Wisconsin, Seventh Vice-President Board of Lady Managers. Five eggs, two cupfuls of sugar, two of flour, one-half cupful of milk, two teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar, one of soda; bake in square tins, spread with jelly and roll while warm. Lemon jelly is very nice. This recipe makes four rolls.

As she was a foreigner she was placed in the seat of honor at the table, to the great displeasure of Madame Desvanneaux, who was invited to take the second place, in spite of her title of vice-president. "It is because of her millions that she was placed before me," she said in an undertone to her husband, as soon as the guests had returned to the drawing-room.

Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, the national president, had lectured in seven places and Mrs. Walter McNab Miller, national vice-president, in five. The petitions for the Federal Amendment were being circulated.

He placed his hat on the table and, without taking off his gloves, sat down in an easy chair which he completely filled. "Andrews is my name third vice-president of the Great Eastern Life Insurance Company. I am the nominal head of the company's private detective force, and though I have some pretty clever fellows on my staff we've got a case that, so far, none of us has been able to unravel.

General Jackson was triumphantly re-elected in November, 1832, receiving two hundred and nineteen of the two hundred and eighty- eight electoral votes cast, while Martin Van Buren received one hundred and eighty-nine electoral votes for Vice-President. Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware, Maryland, and Kentucky cast forty-nine electoral votes for Henry Clay and John Sargent.