United States or Paraguay ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Another question which at that time occupied me much was that of scholarships and fellowships awarded by competitive examinations versus general gratuitous instruction.

Had he not, though declaring himself wholly ignorant of English law, furnished the hint which led to the favourable settlement of the long-disputed case of H. M. Excise Board versus Wormit? Altogether a wonderful man, the landlord declared Kennedy to be, and a credit to the house any way you looked at it. He knew a thing or two, he did.

The United States Impossibility of Deciding by Statute the Causes for Divorce Divorce by Mutual Consent Its Origin and Development Impeded by the Traditions of Canon Law Wilhelm von Humboldt Modern Pioneer Advocates of Divorce by Mutual Consent The Arguments Against Facility of Divorce The Interests of the Children The Protection of Women The Present Tendency of the Divorce Movement Marriage Not a Contract The Proposal of Marriage for a Term of Years Legal Disabilities and Disadvantages in the Position of the Husband and the Wife Marriage Not a Contract But a Fact Only the Non-Essentials of Marriage, Not the Essentials, a Proper Matter for Contract The Legal Recognition of Marriage as a Fact Without Any Ceremony Contracts of the Person Opposed to Modern Tendencies The Factor of Moral Responsibility Marriage as an Ethical Sacrament Personal Responsibility Involves Freedom Freedom the Best Guarantee of Stability False Ideas of Individualism Modern Tendency of Marriage With the Birth of a Child Marriage Ceases to be a Private Concern Every Child Must Have a Legal Father and Mother How This Can be Effected The Firm Basis of Monogamy The Question of Marriage Variations Such Variations Not Inimical to Monogamy The Most Common Variations The Flexibility of Marriage Holds Variations in Check Marriage Variations versus Prostitution Marriage on a Reasonable and Humane Basis Summary and Conclusion.

See ante, ii. 302. Three instances, ante, pp. 160, 320. See ante, ii. 318. An instance is given in Sacheverell's Account of the Isle of Man, ed. 1702, p. 14. Mr. J. T. Clark, the Keeper of the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh, obligingly informs me that in the margin of the copy of Boswell's Journal in that Library it is stated that this cause was Wilson versus Maclean. See ante, iv. 74, note 3.

"Or perhaps," said Lady Esmondet, "as there is so much discussion is Canadian newspapers over Free Trade versus Protection; the great unread may mix us so up that we buy before duty is laid." "Take my word for it, Lady Alice, did the Frenchman look upon you as despoilers, in the long run, he would not even try to resist making your purse as trash for to-day."

Among the twenty-seven to his credit occurred titles such as, "If Christ Came to New Orleans," "The Worked-out Worker," "Tenement Reform in Berlin," "The Rural Slums of England," "The people of the East Side," "Reform Versus Revolution," "The University Settlement as a Hot Bed of Radicalism" and "The Cave Man of Civilization." But Carter Watson was neither morbid nor fanatic.

But as a rule the programme consisted of a series of five test matches, Charchester versus Beckford; and as Pringle was almost exactly twice as good as each of the twins taken individually, when they combined it made the sides very even, and the test matches were fought out with the most deadly keenness.

It has been well said that "the great antagonist points in the array of the opposite lines are simply the LAW of Development versus the MIRACLE of Creation." And the author of "The Vestiges" virtually acknowledges this to be the real state of the question, when he says that "if we can see no natural origin for species, a miraculous one must be admitted."

I 'as respontsibillaties I do...." A crossing outside a Club! More likely a padded cell in a troopship and hospital until an asylum claimed him. In the finals, "Sword versus Sword Dismounted," Dam had a foeman worthy of his steel.

They greeted the visitors with easy cordiality, consulted them on the knotty question of geraniums versus begonias, escorted them round the gardens, and were vociferously reproachful when they refused to stay another half- hour to partake of tea.