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As we met the cows on their way home from pasture, we took observations, to verify the whimsical barometer of the peasants; and we found that if a light-hued cow headed the procession the next day really was pretty sure to be fair, while a dark cow brought foul weather.

He obtained the desired speed and load with a friction brake; also regulator of speed; but waited for an indicator to verify it. Then again there was no known way to lubricate an engine for continuous running, and Mr.

I allowed the stir that accompanied his appearance to subside a little, and then, seeing that the, Chief-President was about to speak, I forestalled him, uncovered my head, and then covered it, and made my speech in the terms agreed upon. I concluded by appealing to M. le Duc d'Orleans to verify the truth of what I had said, in so far as it affected him.

Dawber, ignoring this remark, and turning to another applicant, a quartermaster of the Guards. "I have come for six bags of coffee." "Where is your requisition?" The quartermaster produced a large sheet of foolscap, covered with printing and ruled lines, a mass of figures, and intricate calculations. Mr. Dawber seized it, and proceeded to verify the totals, which took him half-an-hour.

"And now, if you want to go back to your Latin and Greek, you shall translate for me into Latin I do not expect you to do it into Greek, though it would turn very well into Greek, for the Greeks know all about the matter long before the Romans what follows here; and you shall verify the facts and the names, etc., in it from your dictionaries of antiquity and biography, that you may remember all the better what it says.

The fulfilment of all these conditions by one type of method, tends alike to verify the conditions, and to prove that type of the method the right one.

"We get a word with these old salts now and then when we are becalmed alongside, and the questions they put make us quite feel for them. Then they trust entirely to their instruments. They can take an observation, but they can't verify one.

To a religious body, pressing him to verify his title of Abolitionist, he replied: "I do not want to issue a document that the whole world will see must necessarily be inoperative, like the pope's bull against the comet." While he was a lumberer, Lincoln was in the employ of one Kirkpatrick, who "ran" a sawmill.

The abbot had had this divinely revealed to him in a dream, and going into the church to verify the vision he saw the print of the Divine Foot, and gave thanks to the Lord. I Resolve to Become a Monk I go to Confession Delay of a Fortnight Giustiniani, the Apostle Capuchin I Alter my Mind; My Reasons My Pranks at the Inn I Dine With the Abbot

Should any other individual become particularly interested in the subject, and desire to go back of the present record and make his exploration personally among the Fortune-tellers, he will find their present addresses in the newspapers of the day, and can easily verify what is herein written.