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Thus is Parliamentary Government carried on in the Empire of the Hohenzollern! Passive obedience and discipline are the cardinal virtues inculcated by the Hohenzollern. “Verboten,” “Nicht raisonniren,” are their watchwords. A Hohenzollern brooks no opposition. “Wir bleiben doch der Herr und Koenig und thun was wir wollen,” said the Sergeant-King.

But the Queen could not remember any spring or well of fresh water in the cave. She signed to Kalliope. The girl dipped her oars again. The boat moved towards the entrance of the cave. One of the ship's boats, with four men in her, lay right under the high archway of the entrance. A man stood up and signed to the Queen, shaking his head. "Es ist verboten," he said.

To counter that I ran up and down the train, in and out of the carriages, questing like a hound, searching everywhere. I made as though to jump off hastily, but was prevented. "Was ist das? Nein, nein, verboten." A hand caught me roughly by the collar and dragged me back.

Here the ideologies could rant and rave against each other, seeking a rendering of a final decision in men's age-old arguments; but elsewhere such discussions were verboten, and subject to swift, stiff penalties.

Then, with gestures which could not be mistaken he repeated gruffly, "Verboten." To the Queen it seemed absurd that a strange sailor should try to prevent her from rowing into a cave in her own island whenever she chose. She took no notice of the man. Kalliope rowed on. Two of the men in the ship's boat leaned over her side and caught Kalliope's oars.

She still has unconquerable, dogged persistence, and her defects for this kind of war are not among the least admirable of her traits to those who desire to live their own lives in their own way, as the English-speaking people have done for five hundred years, without having a verboten sign on every street corner.

In Germany, they put a notice-board in the middle of the place, "Hunden verboten," and a dog that has German blood in its veins looks at that notice-board and walks away.

I know that certain persons will contest the authenticity of this passage of history; they will claim Verboten means in our tongue Forbidden, and that Ausgang means Outgoing, and Eingang means Incoming or, in other words, Exit and Entrance; but surely this could not be so.

Already the ever present "verboten" of an ordered life seemed to have crept into the small souls and repressed the instincts of anarchy and the aspirations of individualism.

And so it was that King Verboten lived happily ever after and in the fullness of time died peacefully in his bed, surrounded by his wives, his children and his courtiers; and all of them sorrowed greatly and wept, but the royal signpainter sorrowed most of all.