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Hereof then just a little sample: let us call it 'A Judgment in the Rolls Court; or in any other; I care not. After a vast deal more in this vein of literature for you perceive my present purpose is dissection in part of this ancient rhyme we arrive at a magnanimous

Among the records of the past to which he referred during his last visit to this country was a letter which he took from a collection of papers and handed me to read one day when I was visiting him. The letter was written in a very lively and exceedingly familiar vein.

When the Provost-Marshal declined to obey the order the Chief Justice directed that the Provost-Marshal be taken into custody, and that he, along with Tone, be brought before the Court. The decision came too late so far as Tone was concerned. Bather than endure the ignominy of a public execution by the gallows, which he believed to be awaiting him, he had found means to open a vein in his throat.

Malz was a writer flourishing at Frankfort about 1830, whose short comedies, written in a light vein in the local dialect, hit off local Frankfort types with bright and amusing, though not deep, humour. It turned out that Gemma really did read excellently quite like an actress in fact.

But the thought had hardly formed itself in my mind before he had dropped his serious vein, and was chatting away about some new silver-mounted harness which he intended to spring upon the Mall, and about the match for a thousand guineas which he meant to make between his filly Ethelberta and Lord Doncaster's famous three-year- old Aurelius.

But I should feel worse than that I should feel as if the bitterness of both death and hell were still to come if we didn't make an effort to shoulder our own responsibilities." There was more in the same vein. He listened for the greater part of the time with his eyes closed. He was too unutterably tired to argue or to contest her point of view.

He had a singular, though, as has been said, a very untrustworthy faculty of humour, both grim and quaint. He was possessed of extraordinary dialectic ingenuity, a little alloyed no doubt by a tendency to wire-drawn and over subtle minuteness such as besets the born logician who is not warned of his danger either by a strong vein of common sense or by constant sojourn in the world.

The immediate following second rise not so high as that of the auricular contraction is known as the ventricular wave, and corresponds to the dicrotic wave in the radial. The next lesser decline shows ventricular diastole, or the heart rest. A tracing of the jugular vein shows the activity of the right side of the heart.

The principal of these valves is that, which presides over the insertion of the thoracic duct, into the subclavian vein; many have believed this also to perform the office of a valve, both to admit the chyle into the vein, and to preclude the blood from entering the duct; but in my opinion it is scarcely sufficient for this purpose." Haller, Elem. Phys. t. vii. p. 226.

There it is spread out straight before him, and the muscles on his arms have you ever noticed the fellow's muscles? tell him that he is equal to it. Do you ever see him pacing distractedly about, wondering if the mood will come to him? Do you ever see him sitting dejectedly twiddling his axe, and rendered quite incapable because he has been interrupted at a critical time and put out of vein?