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"Oh, God grant we may," she said with a low cry, clasping her hands tightly together, while Calton could see the tears falling from under her thick veil. "This is not the way to do so," he said, almost roughly, "you'll be in hysterics soon control yourself for his sake."

And man's, also, clear, sweet, unearthly, pierces that stormy mob, saying, "Father, forgive them; they know not what they do." But we draw the veil in reverence. It is not ours to picture what the sun refused to shine upon, and earth shook to behold.

They came as the scent of lavender comes when rain is pattering on the shingles, and some one opens the old trunk that, ever since you can remember, has stood back under the rafters of the sloping roof; the hallowed old trunk where a veil of yellowing lace is stored a piece of white satin, a blue or gray faded uniform, and maybe a wee shoe, and a lock of hair.

I had the required plumes in my hair, and the veil that was correct form at court, and my lovely evening gown and pearl-embroidered slippers, which were to me like Cinderella's at the ball. Before I left the hotel I asked Tom to look at me critically.

For some long years yet, she must keep herself in peace and the shade; but when she is a woman, and the Spark can no more be hidden, since to be a woman is to have power and pain, then let her veil herself, and with a staff and scrip go abroad into the world, for her time is come.

The Sultan was now to see the value of French infantry. To the astonishment of the Arabs, the enemy, leaving the road, came darting over the steeps. Ravines, woods, and rocks were all mastered in the rush. Slowly but surely they were reaching the intrenchments, when a thick veil came over the scene from the smoke of incessant fire.

On the distant horizon to the south, she discovered the wild summits of the Pyrenees, and her fancy immediately painted the green pastures of Gascony at their feet. Her heart pointed to her peaceful home to the neighbourhood where Valancourt was where St. Aubert had been; and her imagination, piercing the veil of distance, brought that home to her eyes in all its interesting and romantic beauty.

He had offered a marriage that was not a marriage, but he was a man, and human. He did not want her now, but in the end he would want her; young as she was she knew already the strength of a woman's physical hold on a man. Late on the afternoon of the third day Ellen came again, a swollen-eyed Ellen, dressed in black with black cotton gloves, and a black veil around her hat.

I have no presentiment of happiness. All the more let me profit by the present. Come, kind nature, smile and enchant me! Veil from me awhile my own griefs and those of others; let me see only the folds of thy queenly mantle, and hide all miserable and ignoble things from me under thy bounties and splendors! October 1, 1849. Yesterday, Sunday, I read through and made extracts from the gospel of St.

Then in a firm voice the Priest Zel proclaimed: "Behold the elected Bride of the Sun and the Divine Nagaya! "She bears away from the city the burden of your sins, O ye people, and by her death the gods are satisfied! "Rejoice greatly, for ye are absolved, and by the Silver Veil and the Eye of Raphon we pronounce upon all here present the blessing of pardon and peace!"