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A ton veight huh!" spluttered Mr. Switzer. "Never mind now!" called the manager sharply, with a reassuring glance at Ruth and Alice, who were regarding this little flurry with anxious eyes. They glanced over toward their father. "Pop, make a new fence a strong one and we'll film that scene over again," went on Mr. Pertell. "To your places, the rest of you. Mr.

Boat, when its hour gomes, when it trope to bieces with the veight off its own gorrubtion what then?" "It's not to be supposed that a system of things like this can drop to pieces of its own accord, like the old Republic of Venice," said the colonel.

Boat, when its hour gomes, when it trope to bieces with the veight off its own gorrubtion what then?" "It's not to be supposed that a system of things like this can drop to pieces of its own accord, like the old Republic of Venice," said the colonel.

I am not a cat to keep me alvays clean no more as a hogk to keep me always not clean. No, I keep me owdside inside always so clean as it comes eassy, undt I leave me so dirty as it comes eassy." I took his arm into mine his hand was hot and drew him on alone. "Undt t'ose vomens," he persisted in the vestibule, "t'ey are more troubple yet as t'eir veight in goldt!

Boat, when its hour gomes, when it trope to bieces with the veight off its own gorrubtion what then?" "It's not to be supposed that a system of things like this can drop to pieces of its own accord, like the old Republic of Venice," said the colonel.

"But, mind what I'm telling you," he said to Miss Dixon. "You'll be laid up for a week." "An' it all de fault of dot property man!" exclaimed Mr. Switzer. "He made dot fence like paper yet alretty! It vouldn't holt up a fly!" "That was a good fence!" defended Pop Snooks. "The trouble was you leaned your ton weight on it." "Ton veight! Huh! Vot you tink I am? A hipperperpotamusses?