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These were placed on the Council Register as follows: VI. The True Blues. VA. The Pioneers. VB. The Amazons. IVA. The Old Brigade. IVB. The Mermaids. IIIA. The Dragonflies. IIIB. The Cuckoos. "You can compare marks every fortnight," said Miss Burd, "and whichever gets the best average shall hold a cup that I intend to present.

It was far more interesting to be "Amazons" or "Cuckoos" than merely VB. or IIIB., and as awards were to be according to averages, it was thrilling to feel that girls of twelve could wrest away the silver cup from the hands of the very prefects themselves. "It makes it just like playing a game!" declared Ida Brooke.

I've just met Miss Strong, and she told me. She's moved up with us, and there's a new mistress for VB. Haven't seen her yet, but they say she's nice, though I'd rather stick to Miss Strong, wouldn't you?" "I don't know," temporized Ingred, screwing her mouth into a button. "Oh, of course! I forgot! You're not a 'Strong' enthusiast never were! Now I like her!"

Then as N is to CQ so is VC to CD, as appears by the method of finding the refraction which we have shown above, Article 31; but as VC is to CD, so is VB to DS. Then as N is to CQ, so is VB to DS. Let ML be perpendicular to CL. And because I suppose the eyes Rr to be distant about a foot or so from the crystal, and consequently the angle RSr very small, VB may be considered as equal to the semi-diameter CQ, and DP as equal to CL; then as N is to CQ so is CQ to DS. But N is valued at 156,962 parts, of which CM contains 100,000 and CQ 105,032.

She did not want Bess to take up Lispeth's no doubt well meant but rather embarrassing suggestion that they should practise together, and was quite ready with an excuse if it should be proposed. "It's the turn of the Sixth now," she jodelled. "VB. haven't done anything yet; I'll call one of them in," said Lispeth, stepping out to the landing.

The clapping which followed was continued down the landing, and, through the open door, peered the interested faces of most of the members of VB. who had come to share the fun. "May we butt in?" they asked hopefully. "Not a square inch of room for you," answered Lispeth, "but you may squat in the corridor outside if you like. Anybody who performs can join the show, but that's all.

"It's easy enough to like anybody who favors you. Miss Strong was always down on me somehow, and I'd rather have tried my luck with a fresh teacher. I wonder if Miss Burd would put me in VB. if I asked her." "Of course she wouldn't! Don't be a silly idiot! I think Miss Strong's absolutely adorable. Don't you like the decorations in the corridor?

"The Sixth are having a ballot," put in Jess. "And VB. are going to fight like Kilkenny cats over Magsie and Barbara." "There'll be some hullabaloo in several of the forms, I expect." "Thanks awfully for electing me," replied Ingred. "I suppose I ought to make a speech, but I really don't know what to say!" "You've got to say it all the same!" laughed Verity.