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His vaunted industry is but a vanity and of no effect, since he never gets home with anything he starts with. This disposes of the last remnant of his reputation and wholly destroys his main usefulness as a moral agent, since it will make the sluggard hesitate to go to him any more.

So the suspicion that something was wrong with his mind became a certainty. It angered him, quickened his sensitiveness, even while he despaired. He ground his teeth and clenched his fists and swore to realize his presence there, and to rise to the occasion as had been his vaunted ambition. Suddenly he felt something slimy and hairy against his wrist then a stinging bite. A rat!

This man's life was in her weak, incapable hands and the time was nearing when she must stand between him and disaster. "Where are these vaunted soldiers of yours?" he suddenly asked, infinite irony in his voice. "My soldiers?" she said faintly.

"I don't think much of Christians who are so hard to discover," Laura said with decision; and Mrs. Simpson, rebuked, thought of the mischievous nature of class prejudices. Laura herself had she not been drawn from what one might call distinctly the other end of the ship? and who, among those who vaunted themselves ladies and gentlemen, could compare with Laura!

He vaunted the quality of everything on the table, and was especially enthusiastic about a wine of the south, very aromatic, which had come to him as a present from his friend the Bishop of Rhegium, together with a certain cheese of Sila, exquisite in thymy savour, whereof he ate with prodigious gusto.

It took place on this occasion at Saint Germains, although the King of England occupied the chateau. M. de Rheims kept open table there, and had some champagne that was much vaunted. The King of England, who drank scarcely any other wine, heard of this and asked for some. The Archbishop sent him six bottles.

Konownitzin was vanquished and retired; on the 5th his bloody track was followed to the vast convent of Kolotskoi, fortified as habitations were of old in those too highly vaunted Gothic ages, when civil wars were so frequent; when every place, not excepting even these sacred abodes of peace, was transformed into a military post.

Perhaps seen her?" inquired Lord Linden, eagerly. "As for her vaunted chastity, that is neither here nor there, that may or may not be fictitious. I have heard from the best authority that she receives the private visits of titled admirers, whose attentions can hardly be of a nature very different from mine. You see, it is fair game, and if I succeed"

The reader, who knows the wrong inflicted on William Losely by Lionel Haughton's father a wrong which led to all poor Willy's subsequent misfortunes may conceive that the very name of Haughton was wounding to his ear; and when, in his brief, sole, and bitter interview with Darrell, the latter had dropped out that Lionel Haughton, however distant of kin, would be a more grateful heir than the grandchild of a convicted felon if Willy's sweet nature could have admitted a momentary hate, it would have been for the thus vaunted son of the man who had stripped him of the modest all which would perhaps have saved his own child from the robber's guilt, and himself from the robber's doom.

Now that I am reminded of my pleasant little encounter with Mr. Lapelle this morning, I am constrained to remark that I have had all the satisfaction I desire. You may say to him that I am a gentleman and not in the habit of fighting duels with horse-thieves." Mr. Trentman started. His vaunted aplomb sustained a sharp spasm that left him with a slightly fallen jaw.