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R. Jose, the son of Judah, of Chefar Babli said, "He who learns from the young, to what is he like? To one who eats unripe grapes, and drinks wine from his vat. And he who learns from the old, to what is he like? To one who eats ripe grapes, and drinks old wine."

These operations take up the greater part of the forenoon; the pressing of the cheese requires about eight hours more, as it must be twice turned in the vat, round which thin wire skewers are passed, and shifted occasionally. The next morning it ought to be turned and pressed again; and on the following day the outside is salted, and a cloth binder tied round it.

"Veil, den vat vill you pay me?" "I will sign an agreement to pay you £1500 for the thousand, if you please; if that will not suit you, I will try elsewhere." "Dat is very bad bargain. How old, you shay?" "Twenty." "Vell, I shuppose I must oblige you, and my very goot friend, de Major." Mr Emmanuel drew out his spectacles, pen, and inkhorn, filled up a bond, and handed it to me to sign.

As you thus gather your Curd, put it into the Vat or Cheese Mote till it is full, then press it and turn it often, salting it at several times.

They take a very round stone, called a vat loa or sunstone, wind red braid about it, and stick it with owls' feathers to represent rays, singing the proper spell in a low voice. Then they hang it on some high tree, such as a banyan or a casuarina, in a sacred place.

"He's got a tongue like a tanner's vat, that goozer. Wants a lump o' lead in 'is baskit 'e does." "'E done a good turn at Hetmeyer's Kopje," added the Second. "If it hadn't been for 'im the S.A.'s would have had a new Colonel" he jerked his head towards the house, from which came the murmur of men's voices talking earnestly.

The glass, a half-pint tumbler, was produced, and nearly filled with the execrable stuff as guiltless of grape juice as a dyer's vat which was poured down the throat of Mr. Jones. "Pretty fair wine, that; only a little rough," said Mr. Jones, smacking his lips. "It's a shame!" remarked Mrs. Jones, warmly, "for you to do so." "I only took toll," said the husband, laughing.

"Huh!" said Jimmie, and grinned. "What did you get?" "You belong to union in America?" countered the other. "You bet I do!" said Jimmie. "Vat sort of union?" "Machinists." "You been on strike, maybe?" "You bet I have!" "You got licked, maybe?" "You bet!" "You don't never scab, hey?" "Not much!" "You vat you call class-conscious?" "You bet! I'm a Socialist!"

I had dis vatch factory over here by the river. Dat vas thirty years ago. Und we had a barn und horses. "But you know how it is! Vat you have today you don't have tomorrow. Not so? My vife first. The nice house und the children vasn't enough for her. She must danze also. I vas younger und my head vas harder den. Und I said, 'No. Alzo she vent avay. Yes, she vent avay. Und der vas two kids.

Poulain is the image of Providence on earth I will have no more to do with you. You must do as I tell you " "Yes, Montame Zipod, he vill do vat you dell him," put in Schmucke; "he vants to lif for his boor friend Schmucke's sake, I'll pe pound."