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"By Gar, I teach you. I work four seek hour an' nodding to eat. You say ze Capitaine send you; bah! eet vas not so nevaire! Vat you hav' hey?" The negro mumbled something through thick lips, and the irate mate gripped him by the collar of his jacket, shaking the fellow as he might a dog, and hurling him half across the deck. "Sacre! I keel you for five cent. Queek now jump!

"Saar," said the Chevalier, "Monsieur le Capitaine, I vas not at the siege of the petit Leyth, and I know not what you say about the cockloft; but I will say for Monseigneur de Strozzi, that he understood the grande guerre, and was grand capitaine plus grand that is more great, it may be, than some of the capitaines of Angleterre, who do speak very loud tenez, Monsieur, car c'est a vous!"

Only a jealous husband could ever propose more than an annual six weeks of rustic seclusion to a wife under sixty. Lord Chesterfield was considered as cruel for taking his Countess to the rocks and ravines of Derbyshire as Sir John Denham for poisoning his poor lady." "Chut! tu vas un peu trop loin, Lewin!" remonstrated Lady Fareham. "But, in truly, your ladyship, when I hear Mrs.

Den I look at you, so big, vid de beautiful red hair, an' de kin' face, an' I sink he vood let me see how dey do such tings he vas nice fellow, if he vas all mud on de clothes. Si, for I know nice fellow, do I not, amigo? Si, bueno. So you vill show to me how de brav' Americanos dig out de yellow gold, señor?"

The past rushed back on me the familiar feel of the knife almost banished my dyspepsy I lived I breathed I vas a oysterman again. Did I ever show you them lines I wrote into my darter's album? No. Vell, then, 'ere goes: But beauties such as yourn and hern Were never born unseen to waste; Like her, you're bound to come to light, To gratify refinement's taste.

"In a carriage, at mitnight, in de forest of Fincennes." "Describe her," said de Marsay. "A vhite gaze hat, a rose gown, a vhite scharf, a vhite feil a face just out of de Biple. Eyes like Feuer, an Eastern color " "You were dreaming," said Lucien, with a smile. "Dat is true; I vas shleeping like a pig a pig mit his shkin full," he added, "for I vas on my vay home from tinner at mine friend's "

"What time?" "It vas Sunday morning I seen heem, talkin' mit her." "With whom was he talking?" "Oh, he talk mit Ballards' girl Mees Betty. Down by der spring house I seen heem go, und he kiss her plenty I seen heem." "You are sure it was the prisoner you saw? You are sure it was not Peter Craigmile, Jr.?" "Sure it vas heem I saw. Craikmile's son, he vas lame, und valk by der crutch all time.

"At Wagram, Napoleon cut us open, ant surrountet us in such a way as zere vas no helping. Sree days hat we no provisions, ant stoot in ze vater op to ze knees. Ze evil Napoleon neiser let us go loose nor catchet us. "On ze fours day zey took us prisoners zank Got! ant sent us to one fortress.

"How do you know that?" "How I know! I tell you I sail with heem long while. He nevar tell, but I fin' eet out. I listen, I hear ze talk, but I say noddings, M'sieur. Vat I care while he treat me right? But now I show heem vat I know. He not lord eet over me ven ol' Sallie vas his mother by Gar! no!" "Sallie! You cannot mean that mulatto woman back on the plantation?" "Sure, the ol' rip."

Such is the case, for instance, with the Life of Columbus, written by his son Fernando and published in Italian in 1571; and the highly important report on the voyage of Cabral to Brazil in 1500, written by his pilot Vas da Cominho and others. These are known only through translations. Words from Indian languages are subject to very faulty rendering in the older documents.