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I was struck suddenly by the irony of it all. Why have a legislature when Colonel Paul Varney was so efficient! The legislature was a mere sop to democratic prejudice, to pray over it heightened the travesty. Suppose there were a God after all? not necessarily the magnified monarch to whom these pseudo-democrats prayed, but an Intelligent Force that makes for righteousness.

Believe me, I am near one whom law and love oblige to protect me." "The villain, then, hath done you the poor justice which remained in his power," said Tressilian, "and I behold before me the wife of Varney!" "The wife of Varney!" she replied, with all the emphasis of scorn.

"Exactly," said Peter with great heartiness. As one man they descended the stairs, crossed the battered landing and struck rapidly up the woodland path for Remsen Street and the town. As they walked, Varney silently condemned the unfailing genius of the Irish for intruding themselves into all the trouble that hove upon the horizon.

Elizabeth reminded him that Jacob had bought the Varney place, and that Mark Varney had gone away, and tried to end the discussion of the matter.

Varney walked from the place, and just closed the door behind him. With a slow and stately step he left the ruins, and Charles Holland found himself once more alone, but in a much more enviable condition than for many weeks he could have called his.

"Ay, but, my lord," said Varney, "is her desire reasonable? That is the question. Her religious scruples are solved; she is an honoured and beloved wife, enjoying the society of her husband at such times as his weightier duties permit him to afford her his company. What would she more?

Ten members besides himself were recorded against House Bill No. 709! In spite of this overwhelming triumph my feelings were not wholly those of satisfaction when I returned to the hotel and listened to the exultations and denunciations of such politicians as Letchworth, Young, and Colonel Varney.

"I shall not attempt to take prisoners, unless any act is perpetrated beyond what has been done." "It is a singular affair." "Very." "This Sir Francis Varney is represented to be a courteous, gentlemanly man," said the officer. "No doubt about it, but he's beset by a parcel of people who do not mind cutting a throat if they can get an opportunity of doing so." "And I expect they will."

Varney, taking the telegram with a nod, read the following: Gazette, HUNSTON: Varney-Stanhope story good stuff, but lacking details, vague and inaccurate. Stanhope located in Adirondacks, though not reached. See Daily to-day. Man on yacht Varney. Apparent secrecy surrounding departure from here. Interview him sure and secure full statement as to business which brought him to Hunston.

In a few minutes Leicester was muffled in the mantle, pulled his bonnet over his brows, and followed Varney along the secret passage of the Castle which communicated with Hunsdon's apartments, in which there was scarce a chance of meeting any inquisitive person, and hardly light enough for any such to have satisfied their curiosity.