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Ben dropped his eyes and shuffled his foot aimlessly on the floor. "Yep, I know him, boy, an' a finer man never walked these here hills. Too fine a man to get along with varmits!" "Is he still living, Ben?" "Yep, still livin'. He'll be a poppin' up in these parts one o' these days, an' then you'll see who's boss at that tunnel up yonder.

The poor buffalo was nearly spent, and it was clear that a few hours more would see him torn to shreds and his bones picked clean. "Ugh! de brutes," ejaculated Henri. "They don't seem to mind us a bit," remarked Dick, as they rode up to within pistol shot. "It'll be merciful to give the old fellow a shot," said Joe. "Them varmits are sure to finish him at last."

Barrel-organs, and the things next door to 'em that you blow wi' your foot, have come in terribly of late years." "Ay!" said Bowman, shaking his head; and old William, on seeing him, did the same thing. "More's the pity," replied another. "Time was long and merry ago now! when not one of the varmits was to be heard of; but it served some of the quires right.

One day dar war a circus in Hopkinsville en er black wooman I'se war ergoing ter wait on war on de street to watch foh de parade en wid de bands er playing en de wild varmits en things dis woman give birth ter dat girl chile on de corner of Webber and Seventh St. Of course it is a name I have never heard before so the following is what the girls Mother said about it to Aunt Easter.