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It is inexplicable on the theory of creation why a part developed in a very unusual manner in any one species of a genus, and therefore, as we may naturally infer, of great importance to the species, should be eminently liable to variation; but, on my view, this part has undergone, since the several species branched off from a common progenitor, an unusual amount of variability and modification, and therefore we might expect this part generally to be still variable.

It is now a pale yellow, slightly variable star near the tenth magnitude, and finds a place as such in Argelander's charts. It was thus obscurely known before it made its sudden leap into notoriety. The next "temporary," discovered by Dr. Schmidt at Athens, November 24, 1876, could lay no claim to previous recognition even in that modest rank. It was strictly a parvenu.

Saturday, 6th. First part a fresh breeze at South-West by South; in the night had it at South. A.M., light Airs from the Southward next to a Calm, and Clear weather. Course made good to-day is North 76 West; distance 8 Miles; Latitude per Observation 35 degrees 8 minutes South. Sunday, 7th. Variable light Airs and Sometimes Calm with Clear pleasant weather.

She must be enduringly, incorruptibly good; instinctively, infallibly wise wise, not for self-development, but for self-renunciation: wise, not that she may set herself above her husband, but that she may never fail from his side: wise, not with the narrowness of insolent and loveless pride, but with the passionate gentleness of an infinitely variable, because infinitely applicable, modesty of service the true changefulness of woman.

A structure which has been developed through long-continued selection, when it ceases to be of service to a species, generally becomes variable, as we see with rudimentary organs; for it will no longer be regulated by this same power of selection.

A long wave set for receiving these stations must be able to tune to wave lengths up to 20,000 meters. This is a very good way to connect up the circuits for the reason that: the wiring is simplified, and it gives a single variable adjustment for the entire range of wave lengths the receptor is intended to cover. The Parts and How to Connect Them Up.

A.M. I sent the Master again to the Northward to procure refreshments, who return'd not unsuccessfull. Be this as it may, they went away very well satisfied with what they got, altho' I believe that they were disappointed in some things. Monday, 7th. Variable light Airs. P.M. some Showers of rain.

Notwithstanding this poor fellow's joke, he entered a second time with Captain Owen, on board the Eden, for an equally hazardous voyage, which he did not survive. I was near him in his last moments, when the fatal signal of ebbing life the rattles in the throat fell on the ear like the melancholy sound of the muffled drum in a dead march. Sunday, 7th. Light airs and variable, with rain at times.

Have at last got amongst the variable winds, for we struck a breeze yesterday immediately after exercising, and went pitching along at the rate of eight knots before dark. Sea quite rough. This morning calm again. Have touched the edge of the Gulf Stream, judging from the temperature of the water, and general appearance of the weather.

In the star eta we have another long-period variable, which is also a double star; unfortunately the companion, being of only the tenth magnitude and distant less than 1" from its third-magnitude primary, is beyond the reach of our telescopes. But eta points the way to one of the finest star clusters in the sky, marked 1360 on the map.