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Finis et Hesperiae promoto milite varus, Quaque sub Herculeo sacratus numine Portus Urget rupe cava Pelagus, non Corus in illum Jus habet, aut Zephirus, solus sua littora turbat Circius, et tuta prohibet statione Monaeci. The Troops advanc'd as far As flows th' Hesperian Boundary, the Var; And where the mountain scoop'd by nature's hands, The spacious Port of Hercules, expands;

All gone, ve poor now oh, dis var, dis var dis de second time ve refugeess ve lose eversing 1914, ve come here from Zandvoorde and ve start again ve do business vis soldiers, soldiers plenty money, ve do goot business, and now ve refugeess again and ve novair to go. If de Shermans come, ve do business vis de Shermans but de shells come first and ve all killed ah, dis var, dis var!

The blockade of Genoa had been kept up all this time; while Suchet resolutely maintained the last line of defence on the old frontier of France. On the 22nd of May Melas made a desperate effort to force the passage of the Var, but failed; and immediately afterwards received his first intelligence of the movements of Buonaparte, and the defeat of his own detachment at the bridge of Chiusilla.

Perhaps they may prove to be congeners of the men of the Bronze Age, and of the earliest waves of Gypsy-immigration into Europe. A list of the shells collected by the second Khedivial Expedition on the shore of Midian and the Gulf of 'Akabah, by Edgar A. Smith, Esq., British Museum. I. Gastropoda. 1. Conus textile, Linne. 2. Conus sumatrensis, Hwass. 3. Conus catus var., Hwass. 4.

"Aha! Le Capitaine Dooncaine," he cried; "and m'sieu hees sone. I salute you both." "Salute me?" cried my father angrily. "After this night's work?" "This night's work, mon capitaine?" he said lightly. "Vy node. I am prisonaire; so is my sheep, and my brave boys. But it ees ze fortune of var." "Yes; the fortune of war," said my father bitterly. "I do node gomplaine myself.

That is, a portable stone altar which had been consecrated and could be set up anywhere for mass. See order of the Wilts justices issued against such offenders, Oct., 1577. Hist. MSS. Com. Rep. on MSS. in Var. Coll., i , 68.

On arriving back in Genoa he said that he had left Bonaparte descending the St. Bernard at the head of the army of reserve. Field-marshal Mélas was so convinced of the impossibility of bringing an army across the Alps, that while part of his force, under General Ott was blockading us, he had gone with the remainder fifty leagues away, to attack General Suchet on the Var.

In the course of a few days after the toes have closely clasped a stick, their blunt extremities become developed, though not invariably, into irregular disc-like balls which have the power of adhering firmly to the wood. As similar cellular outgrowths will be fully described under B. capreolata, I will here say nothing more about them. Bignonia aequinoctialis, var. Chamberlaynii.

The march on the Var and Genoa might have been executed with comparative ease, and might, in all likelihood, have led to victory; but mere victory would not suffice.

"Yeah, I read the editorial." Flannery sighed. "We did let a couple of fools make Cathay think we'd bail her out. At the time, it seemed wise. The son of old Var was due to assume rule in a little while and he was strongly pro-human. We wanted to hold things off until he took over and scrapped the war plans. When he was killed well, we pulled out before Var was any stronger."