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Except for the women and children, who were not yet about, the entire village had assembled. Even old Vanderhoof, the fire-watcher of the yard, hobbled along breathlessly on his rheumatic legs. In a moment the masks were fitted. In a moment more the little band had emerged from the shelter of the swamp, and so came into full view of its objective point.

The Vanderhoof set is wild and godless I do not wish to see you keeping company with fools who walk in the broad and easy way that leads to perdition." "It is rather a hard choice," said the young man, with a short laugh, turning toward the door. "According to you there's very little difference a fool's paradise or a fool's hell!

Algy Vanderhoof wants me to join him on his yacht with well, with a little party to cruise in the West Indies. Would you prefer that?" "Certainly not! The Vanderhoof set is wild and godless I do not wish to see you keeping company with fools who walk in the broad and easy way that leads to perdition." "It is rather a hard choice," said the young man, with a short laugh, turning toward the door.

Then a tremendous roar of laughter saluted this easy vanquishment of a formidable enemy. Daly and Baker were pounced upon and captured. There was no resistance. They were too nearly strangled for that. Little Solly and old Vanderhoof turned off the water in the fire hydrant and disconnected the hose they had so effectively employed.

I think it is an exceedingly foolish enterprise. It would interrupt the career that I have marked out for you." "Well, then, here's a cheaper proposition. Algy Vanderhoof wants me to join him on his yacht with well, with a little party to cruise in the West Indies. Would you prefer that?" "Certainly not!