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I have been obliged to use the outside to suggest the inside country readers want that which is genuine, honest, and, in a word, really good; you cannot please them with vamped-up book-making.

I think if they were to rise from their graves they would be ashamed of us. 'Nay! said Miss Temple, 'I think yonder cattle are very picturesque. But the truth is, anything would look well in such a park as this. There is such a variety of prospect. The park of Armine indeed differed materially from those vamped-up sheep-walks and ambitious paddocks which are now honoured with the title.

At the distance lay Paris, only to be known by its innumerable lights. And then I said to myself, "No, I cannot be an actress; I cannot resign my real self for that vamped-up hypocrite before the lamps. Out on those stage-robes and painted cheeks! Out on that simulated utterance of sentiments learned by rote and practised before the looking-glass till every gesture has its drill!"

He believes at last in the vamped-up sermons in which his wife persists in believing. He accepts the position of an oracle on sacred topics which his wife has made for him. In a word, the parson's wife has created the British parson. It is hard to say how far the creator believes in her own creation. In persuading others, she probably succeeds to a great extent in persuading herself.

And when an audience disperses, can you guess what griefs the singer may have comforted? what hard hearts he may have softened? what high thoughts he may have awakened? You say, "Out on the vamped-up hypocrite! Out on the stage-robes and painted cheeks!"

Any countryman would tell you at once that the illustrations of half the books of the present day are mere vamped-up shallowness, drawn from a city man's mind in a city room by gaslight.

No more do the tradespeople believe in it; or they wouldn't go home from sermon to sand the sugar, and put sloe-leaves in the tea, and send out lying puffs of their vamped-up goods, and grind the last farthing out of the poor creatures who rent their wretched stinking houses. And as for the workmen they laugh at it all, I can tell you. Much good religion is doing for them!

Baxter wrote some of the most remarkable passages of his 'Life and Times' while lying in the King's Bench Prison; and Penn wrote his 'No Cross no Crown' while imprisoned in the Tower. In the reign of Queen Anne, Matthew Prior was in confinement on a vamped-up charge of treason for two years, during which he wrote his 'Alma, or Progress of the Soul.

But when she was gone Miss Pole began a long congratulation to Miss Matty that so far they had escaped marriage, which she noticed always made people credulous to the last degree; indeed, she thought it argued great natural credulity in a woman if she could not keep herself from being married; and in what Lady Glenmire had said about Mr Hoggins's robbery we had a specimen of what people came to if they gave way to such a weakness; evidently Lady Glenmire would swallow anything if she could believe the poor vamped-up story about a neck of mutton and a pussy with which he had tried to impose on Miss Pole, only she had always been on her guard against believing too much of what men said.

And when an audience disperses, can you guess what griefs the singer may have comforted? what hard hearts he may have softened? what high thoughts he may have awakened? You say, "Out on the vamped-up hypocrite! Out on the stage-robes and painted cheeks!"