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M. CROUSSE, "Des Principes." M. MARET, "Essal," pp. 69, 86, 150; "Theodicée" pp. 311, 314. VALROGER, "Etudes Critiques," pp. 97, 101, 115, 151, 412. M. MARET, "Essai sur Pantheisme," p. 107. "Le Christianisme saura vaincre dans son âge mûr l'ennemi qu'il a terrassé en naissant."

Ibid., "Fragmens Philosophiques." Preface, VII. VALROGER, "Etudes Critiques," pp. 115, 126, 151, 308, 316. MARET, "Essai sur Pantheisme," p. 249. P. LEROUX, "Sur l'Humanité," 2 vols. BUDDÆUS, "De Atheismo et Superstitione," pp. 184, 212. RICHARD BENTLEY, "On Freethinking," Boyle Lectures.

Such writers as Valroger, Gioberti, and the late Archbishop of Paris, gave forth their public protest against them, and have thereby done much to vindicate their Church from the imputation of conniving at the progress of Skepticism.

VALROGER, "Etudes Critiques," p. 574. GIOBERTI, "Introduction a l'Etude de la Philosophie," I. 592. MARET, "Theodicée," Preface, p. LA PLACETTE, "De Insanabill Romanæ Ecclesiæ Scepticismo." Such is the new name under which Atheism has recently appeared among not a few of the tradesmen and artisans of the metropolis and provincial towns of Great Britain. In literature, it is represented by Mr.