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This supply sufficed for the militia stationed on the heights of Taganana, in the Valle Seco, near the streams of the Punta del Hidalgo, Texina, Baxamar, the Valley of San Andres, and lastly the line of Santa Cruz, Guadamogete, and Candelaria, whose posts cover more than twenty-four miles of coast between the north-west and the south of the island.

Tras las batallas de Palo Alto y Resaca, la toma de Monterey, la jornada gloriosa aunque estéril de la Angostura , la ocupación de Tampico, la rendición de la humeante y heroica Veracruz y el tremendo desastre de Cerro Gordo, el cañón norteamericano tronó en el Valle mismo de México, y un pueblo vencido ya en cien combates, pero conservando el ánimo sereno que heredó de sus dos razas progenitoras, se agrupó en torno de sus banderas destrozadas a defender la capital de la República.

Very much against his will he preached one of the sermons of the course given during the octave of the Epiphany, in the Church of San Andrea della Valle, and later on another, on an important occasion, in place of Archbishop Spalding, who had fallen ill.

The prevailing colour of the fragments is that of a dark brown intermixed with others of smaller size, of red, green, blue, white, purple, bright yellow, and sometimes black, all harmonising together most beautifully. The comparatively small pieces found at Tivoli now adorn the Churches of St. Andrea della Valle, famous for its rich varieties of breccias, St.

In the shell-shaped tract watered by the Anio the bells were ringing; first the big bell of Sant' Andrea, then the querulous bells of Santa Maria della Valle; high up on the right, from the little white church near the great wood, the bells of the Capuchins, and others in the far-away distance.

It is to be supposed that these coffins were for the dead officers." "When the white flags were run up, Dr. Del Valle, Senator of the Nation, sent, in the name of the Revolutionary Committee, an ultimatum to the National Government, demanding the immediate dismissal of the President of the Republic and dissolution of Congress.

She had not been aware that Lord Coombe and Mademoiselle Valle had directed and discussed her training as if it had been that of a young royal person whose equipment must be a flawless thing.

Andrea della Valle, the site where Caesar was murdered, and thence to the Farnese Palace, the noble court of which I entered; thence to the Piazza Cenci, where I looked at one or two ugly old palaces, and fixed on one of them as the residence of Beatrice's father; then past the Temple of Vesta, and skirting along the Tiler, and beneath the Aventine, till I somewhat unexpectedly came in sight of the gray pyramid of Caius Cestius.

She was a warm, intensely loving, love compelling, tender being. Having seen much of the world, and of humanity and inhumanity, Mademoiselle Valle had had moments of being afraid for her particularly when, by chance, she recalled the story Dowson had told her of the bits of crushed and broken leaves. "A serious person," she said, "and strong?" "Because I must earn my own living," said Robin.

In spite of the padding there are dozens of treasures that one passes regretfully; but the impression of the whole place is the great thing the feeling that through these solemn vistas flows the source of an incalculable part of our present conception of Beauty. <i>April 10th.</i> Last night, in the rain, to the Teatro Valle to see a comedy of Goldoni in Venetian dialect "I Quattro Rustighi."