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Not a muscle had stirred in the usurer's face during this reprimand; there was no flush on his forehead, and no sign of emotion in his little eyes. "Well, sir, I am called upon to supply the barley at last winter's price. Now I consider that I am not bound to do so."

Don't you know that get-rich-quick people always pay a usurer's interest on the suddenly accumulated principle?" "Keep on," he said in the same surly tone.

Don Antolin had not helped her with the smallest alms; his affected niece had scarcely been in to see the little one, nothing interested her but men. "It is all Silver Stick's fault," wailed the poor mother "he is a thief. He grinds our poverty with his usurer's snares. Never a farthing did he give for my son. And that Mariquita is just the same. Yes, señor, I do say so.

The whole question was settled once and for all by Aquinas: 'It is by no means lawful to induce a man to sin, yet it is lawful to make use of another's sin for a good end, since even God uses all sin for some good, since He draws some good from every evil.... Accordingly it is by no means lawful to induce a man to lend under a condition of usury; yet it is lawful to borrow for usury from a man who is ready to do so, and is a usurer by profession, provided that the borrower have a good end in view, such as the relief of his own or another's need.... He who borrows for usury does not consent to the usurer's sin, but makes use of it.

I have told you that long ago." The usurer's brows darkened, but he dispelled the cloud with an easy laugh. "Well," said he, "you are neither wise nor complimentary, but you shall have the money. But yet, would it not be better," added Levy, with emphasis, "to borrow it without interest, of your friend L'Estrange?" Egerton started as if stung.

Renaldo was not a little pleased to hear this harangue, to which Fathom replied with many florid encomiums upon the usurer's good sense and humane disposition; then he explained the errand of his friend, which was to borrow three hundred pounds, in order to retrieve his inheritance, of which he had been defrauded in his absence.

Had the baron implied only friendly sentiments as his motives, Randal would have felt sure he was to be taken in; but the usurer's frank assurance that it would answer to him in the long-run to concede to Randal terms so advantageous, altered the case, and led our young philosopher to look at the affair with calm, contemplative eyes.

"Yet, I would have sworn thy thought had been more on the old usurer's money bags, than on the black eyes of the daughter." "I can admire both," answered the Templar; "besides, the old Jew is but half-prize. I must share his spoils with Front-de-Boeuf, who will not lend us the use of his castle for nothing.

"By Gad, Beverley!" he exclaimed in a shaken voice, "are you mad?" "No," said Barnabas, "but I came here to buy those bills, and buy them I will! If trebling it isn't enough, then " "Ah!" cried Slingsby, pointing to the usurer's distorted face, "can't you see? Don't you guess? He can't sell! No money-lender of 'em all could resist such an offer. I tell you he daren't sell, the bills aren't his!

Louis was sent by his guardians to Cambridge, with acquirements far exceeding the average of young men, and with unlimited command of money. My father was at the same college, and described him again, haughty, quarrelsome, reckless, handsome, aspiring, brave. Does that kind of creature interest you, my dears?" "La!" said Miss Brabazon; "a horrid usurer's son!"