United States or Mauritius ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

A very large amount of the moneys granted at your last session accordingly remains unexpended; but as the work will be again resumed at the earliest moment in the coming spring, the balance of the existing appropriations, and in several cases which will be laid before you, with the proper estimates, further sums for the like objects, may be usefully expended during the next year.

Here, the most convenient grouping is apt to prove the best, because books are most readily found by it. Mr. In arranging the main classes, care should be taken to bring those most drawn upon near to the delivery desk, or charging system of the library. The alphabet is usefully applied in the arrangement of several of the great classes of books, and in many sub-divisions of other classes.

In the latter end of May the house was made acquainted with their resolutions, importing, that the present methods of relieving the poor in the respective parishes, where no workhouses have been provided for their reception and employment, are, in general, very burdensome to the inhabitants, and tend to render the poor miserable to themselves, and useless to the community: that the present method of giving money out of the parochial rates to persons capable of labour, in order to prevent them from claiming an entire subsistence for themselves and their families, is contrary to the spirit and intention of the laws for the relief of the poor, is a dangerous power in the hands of parochial officers, a misapplication of the public money, and a great encouragement to idleness and intemperance; that the employment of the poor, under proper direction and management, in such works and manufactures as are suited to their respective capacities, would be of great utility to the public: that settling the poor in Workhouses, to be provided in the several counties and ridings in England and Wales, under the direction and management of governors and trustees to be appointed for that purpose, would be the most effectual method of relieving such poor persons, as, by age, infirmities, or diseases, are rendered incapable of supporting themselves by their labour: of employing the able and industrious, reforming the idle and profligate, and of educating poor children in religion and industry: and that the poor in such workhouses would be better regulated and maintained, and managed with more advantage to the public, by guardians, governors, or trustees, to be especially appointed, or chosen for that purpose, and incorporated with such powers, and under such restrictions, as the legislature should deem proper, than by the annual parochial officers: that erecting workhouses upon the waste lands, and appropriating a certain quantity of such lands to be cultivated, in order to produce provisions for the poor in the said houses, would not only be the means of instructing and employing many of the said poor in agriculture, but lessen the expense of the public: that controversies and law-suits concerning the settlements of poor persons, occasioned a very great, and in general an useless expense to the public, amounting to many thousand pounds per annum; and that often more money is expended in ascertaining such settlements by each of the contending parishes than would be sufficient to maintain the paupers: that should workhouses be established for the general reception of the poor, in the respective counties and ridings of England, the laws relating to the settlements of the poor, and the passing of vagrants, might be repealed: that while the present laws relating to the poor subsist, the compelling parish-officers to grant certificates to the poor, would in all probability prevent the hardships they now suffer, in being debarred gaining their livelihood, where they can do it most usefully to themselves and the public.

Evelyn, warming; "time taken up with other things, you know, usefully and properly, but still taken up, so as to make much intellectual acquirement and accomplishments impossible; it can't be otherwise, you know, neither opportunity nor instructors; and I don't think anything can supply the want in after life it isn't the mere things themselves which may be acquired the mind should grow up in the atmosphere of them don't you think so, Mr.

It is now two years since I left Singapore, 'the boundary of civilization. I have been out of the civilized world, living in a demi-civilized state, peaceably, innocently, and usefully. "Feb. 8th. After ten days' delay at the mouth of the river, got out." Captain Keppel's voyage in the Dido with Mr. Brooke to Sarawak. Chase of three piratical prahus. Boat expedition.

After Thermidor, and after Vendemiaire, they remained the same; they became rigid against "the faction of old boundaries," and against any moderate policy; at first, against the pacific minority, then against the pacific majority, against the entreaties of all France, against their own military director, "the organizer of victory " Carnot, who, as a good Frenchman, is not desirous of gratuitously increasing the embarrassments of France nor of taking more than France could usefully and surely keep.

The præfect of the city was empowered to chastise the idle and refractory by stripes or expulsion; and he was directed to make an annual report to the master of the offices, that the knowledge and abilities of the scholars might be usefully applied to the public service.

The ATTORNEY-GENERAL spoke next: Sir, if the sum of money now paid by way of advance can be supposed to have any effect, if it can be imagined that any number of seamen, however inconsiderable, are allured by it into the fleet, it is more usefully employed than it can be supposed to be when sunk into the current wages, and divided into small payments.

I shall require at least that space of time to find an efficient substitute for M. Emanuel. Meanwhile, it shall be our study to fill the blanks usefully. "Your Professor, ladies," she went on, "intends, if possible, duly to take leave of you. At the present moment he has not leisure for that ceremony. He is preparing for a long voyage.

There are many leisure moments on board a ship, to the language of which one is a stranger, that might be usefully and agreeably relieved by going into the subject more at large." "Your pardon, Signor Andrea; but there is no time like the present.