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We afterwards went straight up a precipitous mountain, wooded with pine, which was no light work for the coolies, heavily laden as they were. No sooner, however, were we on the top of this than down we went on the other side; and how the ponies managed their ups-and-downs of life was best known to themselves; certainly, nothing but a cat or a Cashmere pony could have got over the ground.

We have watched her in the ups-and-downs of life among the humble, the fashionable, the great, and the pious and found her ever new, yet ever the same; but still Becky among the students was requisite to complete the full measure of our admiration. "Jane Eyre," as a work, and one of equal popularity, is, in almost every respect, a total contrast to "Vanity Fair."

It was the voice of the girl whom her friends spoke of as "The life of the party;" the voice of the-girl-who-does-things. "It's sixty-five miles from here, good and strong and mostly up and down," put in Andy. "'Quoth the raven," mocked the-girl-who-does-things. "We are prepared to face the ups-and-downs. Do we start at six, Uncle Peter?" Uncle Peter glanced sideways at the roundup boss.

But there was one thing about Kate that puzzled Prentiss, and troubled him a bit: he had observed that while she talked freely of her mother and the Sand Coulee Roadhouse, of Mullendore and the crisis which had sent her to Mormon Joe, of the tragedy of his death, of her subsequent life on the ranch, of her ups-and-downs with the sheep, of anything that she thought would be of interest to him, of her inner self she had nothing to say of friends, of love affairs and he could not believe but that that a woman of her unmistakable charm must have had a few.

It proceeds through the air in a series of efforts and ups-and-downs, and its long tail seems perpetually to threaten to misguide it into collapse. Down among the rocks and in the fields near them, the real grey wagtails abound the pied wagtails, as they are called with their white cheeks and their less hysterical voices that greet one in passing with a pleasant little "Cheerio!"

About ten A.M., after a continuous series of ups-and-downs of varied scenery, we arrived at "Chungas," a picturesque old serai, perched upon a hill over the river.

It is, also, at least permissible to consider that therein the numeral five, say, where it figures as protagonist, unfolds under the stress of its varying adventures as opulent a development of real human nature as does, through similar ups-and-downs, the Reverend John Hodder in The Inside of the Cup.

John Brown lived with 'all his might, and the 'Life' he writes is, in its abundance and variety of tragic and comic ups-and-downs, as good as a play.

Youth, beauty, high spirits, the London season, first love warranted the genuine article parental opposition to the union of Romeo and Juliet, on the vulgar, unpoetical ground of Romeo having no particular income and vague expectations; the natural impatience of eighteen and five-and-twenty when they don't get their own way in everything; misunderstandings, ups-and-downs, reconciliations and new misunderstandings; finally one rather more serious than its predecessors, and judicious non-interference of bystanders underhanded bystanders who were secretly favouring another suitor, who wasn't so handsome and showy as Romeo certainly, but who was of sterling worth and all that sort of thing.